
Maglite 2 D cell flashlight

Maglite (also spelled Mag-Lite) is a brand of flashlight manufactured in the United States by Mag Instrument, Inc. located in Ontario, California, and founded by Anthony Maglica. It was introduced in 1979. [1][2] Constructed principally of anodized 6061 aluminum, they have a variable-focus beam. Maglites are produced in several colors such as black, silver, blue, and red and different finishes. Originally Maglite flashlights used krypton or xenon incandescent bulbs. Current models have LEDs.

Accessories include belt holsters, mounting brackets, colored and glass lenses, attachable fiber optics extensions, higher-powered incandescent bulbs, and LED conversion modules. The Maglite was an improvement over the Kel-Lite, after which the Maglite was patterned.[3]



A list of the sizes of Mag Instrument flashlights, and the years they were released:

  • 1979: D and C battery models are put on the market; targeted to the public safety and industrial sectors (the 7D, 5C, 6C, and 7C models are out of production)
  • 1982: MagCharger: a larger more expensive model popular with public safety and emergency-services personnel. This light is much brighter than typical Maglites, and uses an incandescent Halogen bulb and a rechargeable NiCad or NiMH battery pack.
  • 1984: Two AA cell batteries (Mini Maglite) Maglite's first personal size flashlight
  • 1987: Two AAA cell batteries (Mini Maglite) A smaller version of the original Mini Maglite, to be used in industrial, scientific and medical applications
  • 1988: One AAA cell battery (Maglite Solitaire) Mag Instrument's key chain flashlight.
  • 2006: Maglite LED Flashlight and Upgrade Module: 3-watt Luxeon III LED.[2]
  • 2006: Mini Maglite LED 2AA and 3AA.
  • 2008: MagCharger: Upgraded Nickel/Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery pack increases charge time and second generation Halogen bulb increases light output.
  • 2009: Next Generation Mag-LED Technology: Featuring a new Luxeon Rebel LED and extended battery life.
  • 2010: Maglite XL100: offers a motion-controlled user interface using a built-in accelerometer
  • 2010: Maglite XL50: This is a simpler version of the XL100, featuring three modes that can be activated with consecutive presses of the tailcap switch. The XL50 will have a lower retail price than the XL100.
  • 2011: a variety of LED and rechargeable flashlights introduced.

Law enforcement use

Formerly, many police officers carried Maglites, as they are durable, focusable, and generally produce better output than inexpensive mass market flashlights. However in recent years police departments have been adopting more expensive, higher performance "tactical" LED flashlights from companies such as SureFire and Streamlight.

Maglite flashlights have been known to be used as mêlée weapons. Security and police personnel often carry Maglite flashlights as they can be employed as a defensive weapon, especially at night or in dark locations. Police officers will often use Maglites during traffic stops or suspect confrontation, as the beam can disorient an attacker and the flashlight can be swung as a baton as a measure of last resort in self-defense.

On March 30, 2007, the Los Angeles Police Department announced that they would be switching to a smaller, lighter LED flashlight that cannot be used as a baton, in response to a highly publicized incident where an officer was accused of using excessive force against a suspect by using a Maglite.[4]


Maglites have also drawn a number of private collectors and often releases models with special paint schemes. There are also some models that are mass produced, but not readily available. For example, the pink AA is only available at some Walmart locations, no other retail outlets, aside from collector outlets.



  1. ^ Nick Freeth Made in America: from Levis to Barbie to Google MBI Publishing Company, 2005 ISBN 0760322708, pp.180-181
  2. ^ a b "Maglite Event Timeline". Maglite. Retrieved 27 December 2010. 
  3. ^ William Lidwell, Gerry Manacsa Deconstructing Product Design: Exploring the Form, Function, Usability, Sustainability, and Commercial Success of 100 Amazing Products Rockport Publishers, 2009 ISBN 1592533450, pp.116-117
  4. ^ "LA police get flashlight that stuns, not strikes". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 2010-03-30. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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