Ligamentum arteriosum

Ligamentum arteriosum

Infobox Ligament
Latin =
GraySubject = 141
GrayPage = 545

Caption = The middle and posterior mediastina. Left side. (Lig. arteriosum labeled at upper right.)

Caption2 = Heart of dog.
1. left ventricle
2. anterior interventricular sulcus
3. right ventricle
4. conus arteriosus
5. pulmonary artery
6. Ligamentum arteriosum
7. aortic arch
8. brachiocephalic artery
9. left subclavian artery
10. right auricle
11. left auricle
12. fat
13. pulmonary vein
From = pulmonary artery
To = aortic trunk
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = l_09
DorlandsSuf = 12491658
The ligamentum arteriosum is a small ligament attached to the superior surface of the pulmonary trunk and the inferior surface of the aortic arch. It is a nonfunctional vestige of the ductus arteriosus, and is formed within three weeks of birth.

The ligamentum arteriosum is closely related to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the left vagus nerve. After splitting from the left vagus nerve, the left recurrent laryngeal loops around the ligamentum arteriosum, after which it courses posterior to the aortic arch and ascends to the larynx.

ee also

* Patent ductus arteriosusA primary concern regarding the ligamentum arteriosum, is that the liver is not being fully perfused which does not allow it to function to its full potential. Since one of liver's primary functions is to filter out toxins in the blood, decreased perfusion and funtionality may lead to a build-up of these damaging toxins (i.e. ammonia). This may ultimatley lead to hepatic failure and neurovascular damage.

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