

Tingambato is a municipality in the north-central part of the Mexican state of Michoacán. Its municipal seat is the city of the same name. The municipality has an area of 188.77 square kilometres (0.32% of the surface of the state) and is bordered by the north by the municipalites of Nahuatzén and Erongarícuaro, to the east by Pátzcuaro and Salvador Escalante, to the south by Ziracuaretiro, and to the west by Uruapan. The municipality had a population of 12,630 inhabitants according to the 2005 census [Cite web | url=http://www.inegi.gob.mx/est/contenidos/espanol/sistemas/conteo2005/localidad/iter/ | title=2005 Census | work=INEGI: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática | accessdate=2007-10-04] . Its municipal seat is the city of the same name.

The word Tingambato is of Chichimeca origin and it means "Hill of mild climate". [ [http://www.municipiosmich.gob.mx/tingambato/index.php Municipios de Michoacán] "Portal de los municipios: Tingambato". Retrieved on October 4, 2007.] The story of the region can be traced 1,300 years to the arrival of the P'urhépecha monarchy to the region.


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