Infobox musical artist 2
Name = ROM-4

Img_capt = Cover of ROM-4's "Keep It Goin' On" CD
Background = group_or_band
Birth_name =
Alias =
Born =
Origin = Tokyo, Japan
Instrument = Singing
Genre = Rap, J-pop
Occupation(s) =
Years_active = 2006
Label =SonyMEJ
URL = [ ROM-4 Official Website]
Current_members =Masaki Kaji
Masataka Kubota
Ryo Kimura
Gouta Watabe

ROM-4 is a four-member J-pop group that consists of Masaki Kaji, Masataka Kubota, Ryo Kimura, and Gouta Watabe.


The rap group "ROM-4" was formed for the Japanese television drama, "Seishun Energy: Check It Out, Yo! in Tokyo" ("青春★ENERGY ~ チェケラッチョ!! In Tokyo"), that aired on Fuji TV from April 12th, 2006 to June 15th, 2006.

The show's about 4 third year high school students of present Tokyo that are not motivated, but when they encounter rap, it helps motivate them to take charge of their lives and their dreams. Thus the song "Keep It Goin' On" represents their motivation, spirit and seishun (young) energy.

In the drama, Takumi (played by Masataka Kubota), Satoru (played by Gouta Watabe), Shingo (played by Masaki Kaji) and Sanpei (played by Ryo Kimura) form the group ROM-4.

The name, ROM-4, is an abbreviation for Rapで、俺(O)達、モ(M)テタイ、Yo(4)!」の略, which means "through Rap R, Oretachi ('we') O, Motetai ('want to be hot') M, Yo (from 'yon' which is Japanese for '4') 4. Therefore, a literal translation of ROM-4, would mean "We want to be hot and rap, yo!"

ROM-4 made their CD debut on June 21st, 2006, when they released their CD single called " [ Keep It Goin' ON] " for the show. On November 13th, 2006, the single sold 465 copies in Japan and its highest ranking on Oricon was 174, appearing on the chart onceSales and Oricon ranking #740 [] ] .


ingles Stats

Single was released for the "Seishun Energy: Check It Out, Yo! in Tokyo" tv show in Japan (JPN), only.

Track Listings

Track Listings for the "Keep It Goin' On" CD Single:
#"Keep It Goin' On"
#"Keep It Goin' On (SUNSHINE REMIX)"
#"Keep It Goin' On ~Instrumental~"


External links

* [ Sony MEJ's ROM-4 Webpage]
* [ Fuji TV's ROM-4 Webpage]

ee also

Masaki Kaji

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