

ROM, Rom, or rom is an abbreviation and name that may refer to:

In Computers and Mathematics:
* Read-Only Memory, a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices. This tells the computer how to load the operating system.
** Mac computers typically included Old World ROM or New World ROM
* ROM image, a computer file which contains a copy of the data from a read-only memory chip
* ROM (MUD), a popular MUD codebase
* Random oracle, as in "random oracle model", a mathematical abstraction used in cryptographic proofs
* ROM cartridges, a portable form of read-only memory

In Society and Geography:
* Rom (plural Roma), one of the Romani people, an ethnic group commonly known in the English-speaking world as Gypsies
* "rom", the ISO 639 alpha-2 designation of the Romani language
* Romania, "ROM" being the former International Olympic Committee abbreviation for the country
* Rome, Italy, called "Rom" in German, Danish and Swedish
* Republic of Macedonia
* Rom, Deux-Sèvres, France, a commune in the Deux-Sèvres "département"
* Rom, Germany, a municipality in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
* Rom River, in Val Müstair, Switzerland
* Royal Ontario Museum, a museum located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
*Rom, AfghanistanIn Entertainment:
* Rom (Star Trek), fictional "Star Trek" character who appears in "Star Trek: Deep Space 9"
* Rom Spaceknight, fictional character from the Marvel Comics universe
* Reign Over Me, movie starring Don Cheadle and Adam Sandler

ROM may also refer to:
* Range of motion, medical term for the measure of movement through a particular joint or muscle range
* Range of Motion (exercise machine), exercise machine that claims to give a full workout in 4 minutes
* Risk of Mortality, medical classification
* Run of Mine, rock received from a mine before processing such as crushing or grinding
* Rupture of membranes, medical term referring to a process of childbirth
* ROM Eiendom, real estate company owned by the Norwegian State Railways
* Rough Order Magnitude, term used in costing analysis equating to 'Estimate'
* Registry of Marriages, Singapore
* Regional Offender Manager, official of the National Offender Management Service in England and Wales

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  • Rom — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ROM o Rom puede referirse a: Las siglas de Read only memory (término informático). El pueblo rom. Rom, comuna francesa situada en Deux Sèvres. Río Rom, afluente del Adigio en Val Müstair, Suiza. Las Régions d outre… …   Wikipedia Español

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