

A fanfare is a short piece of music played by trumpets and other brass instruments, frequently accompanied by percussion, usually for ceremonial purposes. The term is also used symbolically, for instance of occasions for which there is much publicity, even when no music is involved.

Fanfares originated in the Middle Ages; although popular depictions of ancient Rome frequently include fanfares, the evidence is slight. In 18th century France the fanfare was a movement with energy and repetition of notes, and fanfares of the modern description date from the 19th century, when they were composed for British coronations (such as Hubert Parry's "I was glad" for Edward VII) and other important occasions.

Some composers have used the style as a theme:
* "Fanfare for the Common Man", Aaron Copland
* "Fanfare for a New Theatre", Igor Stravinsky
* "Fanfare for St Edmundsbury", Benjamin Britten
* "20th Century Fox Fanfare", Alfred Newman 1954
* "Icarus Dream Fanfare, from the Concerto Suite for Electric Guitar and Orchestra", Yngwie Malmsteen
* "Victory Fanfare", from the Final Fantasy series
* "Fanfare for Orchestra", Nigel Keay [ 1]

Fanfares today

Fanfares are popular as theme music for television and radio news programs. Additionally they are often used as victory marches in video games, particularly Role Playing Games.

With such widely known titles as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, the fanfares often stay nearly the same in each game iteration, changing in flavor & instrumentation to reflect the title's particular musical style and to show a growthof that particular element of the game (Both the fanfare itself and the general music). With over 12 titles under its belt, the Final Fantasy series has come to be expected to change the style of the fanfares in each game. In fact, the victory theme itself was frequently entitled "Fanfare". This was even subverted in the latest title, Final Fantasy XII, where the fanfare was eliminated for any non-Boss battle; instead only the music of the surrounding landscape provided for musical accompaniment.

Fanfares are also frequently seen in Military parades.

External links

* "Classics for Kids": What's a Fanfare? [] (audio program)
* [ Fanfare tunes in Limoux' traditional music. Scores and MIDI files]

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  • fanfare — [ fɑ̃far ] n. f. • 1532; formation expressive, titre d un livre 1 ♦ Air dans le mode majeur et d un mouvement vif et rythmé, généralement exécuté par des trompettes, des cuivres. « “Vive Tartarin ! vive le tueur de lions !” Et des fanfares, des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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