Fiordland Penguin

Fiordland Penguin

name = Fiordland Penguin
status = VU | status_system = IUCN3.1
trend = down

image_width = 200px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Sphenisciformes
familia = Spheniscidae
genus = "Eudyptes"
species = "E. pachyrhynchus"
binomial = "Eudyptes pachyrhynchus"
binomial_authority = G R Gray, 1845
The Fiordland Crested Penguin ("Eudyptes pachyrhynchus") is a penguin from New Zealand. It breeds along the Fiordland coast and its outlying islands as well as on Stewart Island/Rakiura.


Also known as the Fiordland Crested Penguin, the Fiordland Penguin was described in 1845 by English zoologist George Robert Gray, its specific epithet derived from the Ancient Greek "pachy-"/παχυ- 'thick' and "rhynchos"/ρυνχος 'beak'.cite book | author = Liddell, Henry George and Robert Scott | year = 1980 | title = A Greek-English Lexicon (Abridged Edition) | publisher = Oxford University Press | location = United Kingdom | id = ISBN 0-19-910207-4] It is one of six species in the genus "Eudyptes", the generic name derived from the Ancient Greek "eu"/ευ 'good' and "dyptes"/δυπτης 'diver'.


They are medium-sized, yellow-crested, black-and-white penguins, growing to approximately 60 cm (24 in) long and weighing about 3.7 kg (8.2 lbs). It has dark, bluish-grey upperparts with a darker head, and white underparts. It has a broad, yellow eyebrow-stripe which extends over the eye and drops down the neck. Most birds have 3-6 whitish stripes on the face.

Distribution and habitat

This penguin nests in colonies in dense temperate forest. It breeds along the Fiordland coast and its outlying islands as well as on Stewart Island/Rakiura.


It feeds on krill, fish, octopus and squid.


The current status of this penguin is vulnerable due to its small population. Current population estimates range between 2,500-3,000 pairs and is thought to have declined since the late 1980s by around 33%. It is under threat from introduced predators including dogs, cats, stoats and rats. The endemic Weka ("Gallirallus australis") has been introduced to several islands where it preys on eggs and chicks.


* Database entry includes a range map and justification for why this species is vulnerable

External links

* [ Fiordland Penguins @ Penguins in New Zealand]
* [ Fiordland penguins from the International Penguin Conservation Web Site]
* [ Penguin World: Fiordland penguin]
* [ : information about all species of penguins]
*cite web|url =| title = Fiordland Penguin |publisher = Photo Volcaniaca| author = Roscoe, R|accessdaymonth = 13 April|accessyear = 2008

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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