List of Estonian mammals

List of Estonian mammals

This is a list of Estonian mammals. The Estonian mammal fauna is somewhat impoverished compared to that of southern and central Europe due to the short period of time since the last ice age.

Native (usually synonymous with indigenous) species are considered to be species which are today present in the region in question, and have been continuously present in that region since a certain period of time.There are no endemic mammal species in Estonia (that is, there are no mammal species native to only this region).


:*Western European hedgehog "Erinaceus europaeus":*Eastern European Hedgehog "Erinaceus concolor":*European mole "Talpa europaea":*Common shrew "Sorex araneus":*Laxmann's shrew "Sorex caecutiens":*Eurasian pygmy shrew "Sorex minutus":*Eurasian least shrew "Sorex minutissimus":*Eurasian water shrew "Neomys fodiens"


:*Pond bat "Myotis dasycneme":*Daubenton's bat "Myotis daubentoni":*Brandt's bat "Myotis brandti":*Whiskered bat "Myotis mystacinus":*Natterer's bat "Myotis nattereri":*Common long-eared bat "Plecotus auritus":*Nathusius's pipistrelle "Pipistrellus nathusii":*Common pipistrelle "Pipistrellus pipistrellus":*Northern bat "Eptesicus nilssoni":*Parti-coloured bat "Vespertilio murinus":*Common noctule "Nyctalus noctula"


:*European hare "Lepus europaeus":*Mountain hare "Lepus timidus"


:*Red squirrel "Sciurus vulgaris":*Siberian flying squirrel "Pteromys volans":*European beaver "Castor fiber":*Garden dormouse "Eliomys quercinus":*Hazel dormouse "Muscardinus avellanarius":*Northern birch mouse "Sicista betulina":*Brown rat "Rattus norvegicus":*Black rat "Rattus rattus":*Yellow-necked mouse "Apodemus flavicollis":*Striped field mouse "Apodemus agrarius":*European wood mouse, "Apodemus uralensis":*Harvest mouse "Micromys minutus":*House mouse "Mus musculus":*Musk rat "Ondatra zibethicus" (introduced):*North-western water vole "Arvicola terrestris":*Bank Vole "Myodes glareolus" (="Clethrionomys glareolus") :*Root vole "Microtus oeconomus":*Field vole "Microtus agrestis":*Sibling Vole "Microtus levis":*Common vole "Microtus arvalis":*European Pine Vole "Microtus subterraneus"


:*Wolf "Canis lupus":*Red fox "Vulpes vulpes":*Raccoon dog "Nyctereutes procynoides" (introduced):*Stoat "Mustela erminea":*Least weasel "Mustela nivalis":*European mink "Mustela luterola":*European polecat "Mustela putorius":*American mink "Mustela vison" (introduced):*European Otter "Lutra lutra":*Eurasian Badger "Meles meles":*Wolverine "Gulo gulo":*Pine marten "Martes martes":*Beech marten "Martes foina":*Eurasian lynx "Lynx lynx"


:*Brown bear "Ursus arctos"


:*Ringed seal "Phoca hispida":*Grey seal "Halichoerus grypus"


:*Common porpoise "Phocoena phocoena"

Even-toed ungulates

:*Wild boar "Sus scrofa":*Red deer "Cervus elaphus":*Sika deer "Cervus nippon" (introduced):*Roe deer "Capreolus capreolus":*Moose "Alces alces"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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