My Little Pony DVD releases

My Little Pony DVD releases

This article lists DVD releases of the original My Little Pony cartoons produced by Sunbow Entertainment.These include the 1984 special My Little Pony, usually released as Rescue from Midnight Castle; the 1985 special Escape From Catrina; , released 1986; and the ongoing series My Little Pony broadcast 1986-1987.

North America (Region 1)

All My Little Pony episodes have been released by Rhino Entertainment in North America. These DVDs are encoded for Region 1 in NTSC format. As of November 14, 2006 is available on North American DVD.

The first series and the two previous specials are available in "My Little Pony: The Complete First Season", a four-disc box set.

France (Region 2, French language)

10 volumes of the French translation 'Mon Petit Poney' are available.

1. Mon Petit Poney: Le film ()

2. Le carnaval au Pays merveilleux (The End of Flutter Valley).

3. Gourmande et la chasse au trésor (Sweet Stuff and the Treasure Hunt). Also includes:
* Quelque chose de magique (Little Piece of Magic)
* La guerre des deux crèmes (The Ice Cream Wars)
* Curieuse chasse au dragon (Would Be Dragonslayer)
* Au delà de la porte d'Oz (Through the Door)

4. Les Pièces Magiques (The Magic Coins). Also includes "Fleurs en fuite" (Fugitive Flowers)

5. Un prince et quelques poneys (The Prince and the Ponies). Also includes "Les princesses poneys cherchent une reine" (The Quest of the Princess Ponies) & "Un drôle de mic mac" (Mish Mash Melee)

6. Le Pique-Nique includes:
* Sous l'emprise de Catherine (Escape from Catrina)
* Quatre fers à cheval en or (The Golden Horseshoes)
* La grande escapade de l'arc-en-ciel (The Great Rainbow Caper)
* L'odyssée de Léo (Spike's Search)

7. Les bébés poneys includes "Bébé il fait froid dehors" (Baby, It's Cold Outside) & "Les feux de la rampe" (Bright Light)

8. La fête des Poneys includes "Somnambula" & "Le fantôme de la maison paradis" (The Ghost of Paradise Estate)

9. La Princesse Poney includes:
* Les Princesses Poney (possibly The Quest of the Princess Ponies)
* L'Odyssée de Léo (Spike's Search)
* Gourmande et la Chasse aux Trésors (Sweet Stuff and the Treasure Hunt)
* Le Miroir de la Princesse (The Glass Princess)

10. Le pays des reves. Includes previously-released episodes:
* Somnambula
* La guerre de deux crèmes (The Ice Cream Wars)
* Un Prince et quelques Poneys (The Prince and the Ponies)
* 4 fers à cheval en or (The Golden Horseshoes)
* Bébé il fait froid dehors (Baby, It's Cold Outside)
* Les pièces magiques (The Magic Coins)

Episodes not released include "Crunch, le chien de pierre" (Crunch the Rockdog), "Le visiteur" (Pony Puppy), "La grande invasion du château de minuit" (Rescue from Midnight Castle), "Le retour de Tambelon" (The Return of Tambelon), "Pauvre de moi" (Woe Is Me) and "Le château dans les nuages" (Flight to Cloud Castle).

Germany (Region 2, German language)

12 volumes of the German translation Mein Kleines Pony have been released in Germany, along with the movie.

# Der Zaubertaler (The Magic Coins)
# Kransch, der Felsenhund including Die geheimnisvolle Tür (Crunch the Rockdog, Through the Door)
# Die verlorenen Schatten (Bright Lights)
# Die Rückkehr von Tambelon (The Return of Tambelon)
# Die Spiegelglasprinzessin (The Glass Princess)
# Der Unglücksrabe including Der Drachenkämpfer & Der Streit um den Regenbogen (Woe Is Me, Would Be Dragonslayer, The Great Rainbow Caper
# Die Suche nach den Prinzess-Ponies (The Quest of the Princess Ponies)
# Die uralte Hexe including Eine kleine Zauberfantasie & Auf Drachensuche (Somnambula, Little Piece of Magic, Spike's Search)
# Abenteuer am Mitternachtsfluss including Die Erdhexe Katinka (Rescue from Midnight Castle, Escape From Catrina)
# Das Gespenst vom Pony-Paradies (The Ghost of Paradise Estate)
# Blumenflüchtlinge including Aufstand im Spielparadies (Fugitive Flowers, The Revolt of Paradise Estate
# Die große Kälte including Die goldenen Hufe (Baby, It's Cold Outside, The Golden Horseshoes)
# My Little Pony - Der Spielfilm: Abenteuer im Ponyland ()

Episodes not released include "Das Ende des Zauberflügeltals" (The End of Flutter Valley), "Die Jagd nach dem Schatz" (Sweet Stuff and the Treasure Hunt), "Im Wald von Mysthis" (Mish Mash Melee), Das "Schwebende Schloß" (Flight to Cloud Castle), "Die Eiscremeschlacht" (The Ice Cream Wars) and "Gefahr für die Baby-Zwillinge" (The Prince and the Ponies)

External links

* [ Details of US DVDs at]
* [ Details of Australian DVDs at MRA]
* [ Metrodome Distribution Limited, who release the UK DVDs]
* [ Details of Dutch DVDs]
* [ Details of French 'Mon Petit Poney' DVDs]
* [ Details of German 'Mein kleines Pony' DVDs]

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