

Sergius can refer to:

Roman Catholic Popes

*Pope Sergius I
*Pope Sergius II
*Pope Sergius III
*Pope Sergius IV

Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs

*Patriarch Sergius I of Moscow - Patriarch 1943-1944.
*Patriarch Sergius I of Constantinople - Patriarch 610-638.
*Patriarch Sergius II of Constantinople - Patriarch 1001-1019.

Other Christian saints

*Sergius (Martyr) - Roman soldier companion of Saint Bacchus, martyred c. 303.
*Sergius of Cappadocia - Martyred c. 304.
*Sergius of Radonezh - A 14th century Russian monastic.
*Sergius of Valaam - A 10th century Greek/Karelian/Russian monastic.

Dukes of Naples

*Sergius I of Naples - Duke of Naples 840-864.
*Sergius II of Naples - Duke of Naples 870-877.
*Sergius IV of Naples - Duke of Naples 1002-1036.
*Sergius V of Naples - Duke of Naples 1042 to 1082.
*Sergius VI of Naples - Duke of Naples 1082-1097.
*Sergius VII of Naples - Duke of Naples 1120-1137, last Duke of Naples.

Other persons

*Sergius Paulus - proconsul of Cyprus, appears in the Book of Acts
*Lucius Sergius Catilina - 1st century BCE Roman politician
*Marcus Sergius - Ancient Roman inventor of the prosthetic hand
*Sergius Orata - Ancient Roman merchant and architect
*Sergius of Reshaina - (d. 536). Assyrian physician who translated medicine from Greek to Syriac
*Sergius I of Amalfi - Duke of Amfli 958 – 966
*Sergius II of Amalfi - Duke of Amfli 1007 – 1028
*Sergius III of Amalfi - Duke of Amfli 1031-1073
*Metropolitan Sergius (Tikhomirov) of Japan - Russian Orthodox clergyman (1871-1945)

Other uses

*Father Sergius - Short story by Leo Tolstoy, and the silent film based on it.
* Church of the Saints Sergius and Bacchus - A former Christian church, now a mosque, in Istanbul.
*Arch of the Sergii - an ancient Roman triumphal arch in Pula, Croatia.
*Sergiopolis - The ancient city of Resafa, renamed for the Roman soldier Saint Sergius.
*Patriarch Sergius XVII, a fictitious character in "Xenosaga".

"See also:" Serge

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