- Generator matrix
coding theory , a generator matrix is a basis for alinear code , generating all its possible codewords.If the matrix is "G" and the linear code is "C", :"w"=cGwhere "w" is a uniquecodeword of the linear code "C", c is a unique row vector, and abijection exists between "w" and c. A generator matrix for a (n, M = q^k, d)q-code is of dimension k*n. Here n is the length of a codeword, k is the number of information bits, d is the minimum distance of the code, and q is the number of symbols in the alphabet (thus, q = 2 indicates abinary code, etc.). Note that the number of redundant bits is denoted r = n - k.The standard form for a generator matrix is: G = egin{bmatrix} I_k | P end{bmatrix}where I_k is a k*k
identity matrix and P is of dimension k*r.A generator matrix can be used to construct the
parity check matrix for a code (and vice-versa).Equivalent Codes
Codes C1 and C2 are equivalent (denoted C1 ~ C2) if one code can be created from the other via the following two transformations:
- permute components, and
- scale components.
The generator matrices of equivalent codes can be obtained from one another via the following transformations:
- permute rows
- scale rows
- add rows
- permute columns, and
- scale columns.
External links
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GeneratorMatrix.html MathWorld entry]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.