

Generator may refer to:
* Electrical generator
* Engine-generator, an electrical generator, but with its own engine.
* Generator (mathematics), any of several closely related usages in mathematics.

* "Generator" (song), a song by The Foo Fighters
* "Generator" (The Holloways song), a song by The Holloways
* "Generator" (album), an album by punk band Bad Religion, and its opening track

In computing:
* Generator (computer science), a specialized routine that acts like an iterator
* A program which produces a stream of data
* Pseudorandom number generator, producer of a sequence of random or nearly-random numbers
* Prime number generator, a producer of the ordered sequence of prime numbers
* A zero-generator, the pseudo-device /dev/zero outputs a never ending stream of zero-valued bytes
* Code generator, a program which creates source code as its output
* anything that creates source code automatically in generative programming
* Natural language generator, a program that produces human language from a machine representation
* Generator matrix, a matrix whose rows can generate all the elements of a linear code

In popular culture:
* A Generator in the anime "Generator Gawl" is a metal-organic hybrid organism with far greater powers than that of a human.

ee also

* Generate

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  • generator — GENERATÓR, OÁRE, generatori, oare, adj., subst. I. adj. Care generează, produce, determină ceva. II. s.f. Linie dreaptă care generează prin deplasarea în spaţiu (pe o traiectorie curbă) o suprafaţă riglată. III. s.n. 1. Aparat, maşină sau… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Generator — Álbum de Bad Religion Publicación 12 de marzo de 1992 Grabación mayo de 1991, en Westbeach Recorders, Hollywood, California Género(s) Punk rock …   Wikipedia Español

  • generator — 1640s, person or thing that generates, from L. generator a begetter, producer, agent noun from pp. stem of generare (see GENERATION (Cf. generation)). Meaning machine that generates power first recorded 1794; in sense of machine that generates… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Generator — Gen er*a tor, n. [L.] 1. One who, or that which, generates, begets, causes, or produces. [1913 Webster] 2. An apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed from a liquid or solid by means of heat or chemical process, as a steam boiler, gas retort, or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Generātor — (lat.), 1) Erzeuger, Vater, bes. Stammvater; 2) Dampfkessel, indem er erzeugende Werkstatt des Dampfes ist; 3) Öfen, bei der Steinkohlengasbereitung in Anwendung (s.u. Brennmaterialien g); die darin erhaltenen Gase heißen Generatorgase …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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