

Boksitogorsk ( _ru. Бокситого́рск) is a town in Leningrad Oblast, Russia, located on the Pyardomlya River (Syas' basin) 245 km east of St. Petersburg. Population: 18,128 (2002 Census); 21,839 (1989 Census).

Town status since 1950.


Building of the Boksiti settlement was started in 1929 owing to exploitation of bauxite ore. In 1935 the urban-type settlement Boksitogorsk was formed. In 1940 population approached to 10,000 and a school, a kindergarten, a nursery, an ambulatory with a drugstore, several canteens, shops and stone buildings were built.

In 1950 Boksitogorsk has received an official status of town. On July 25, 1952 it becomes an administrative center of the Boksitigorsky District.


The town population has reached its peak in 1979 (23.2 thousand). Since 1980s the number of citizens gradually decreases.

Ethnically, the town mainly populated by Russians.


Several manufacturing enterprises are located in Boksitogorsk, including one of the daughter companies of RusAl, producers of reinforced concrete, alcohol, food, milk, as well as a peat extracting and plastic ware producing company.


Autoroute H-3 Dymi - Boksitogorsk - Bochevo runs across the town. Autoroute A-114 Issad - Pikalevo - Vologda runs 11 km to the north of Boksitogorsk.

A local railway line connects the station Bolshoi Dvor of railway Saint Petersburg - Vologda with Boksitogorsk. Passenger service is currently not operational.

Public transportation includes several town, suburb and inter-town bus routes operated by local transportation service provider.

Twin towns

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*flagicon|Finland Kiukainen
*flagicon|Finland Nakkila

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