Boris Vadimovich Sokolov

Boris Vadimovich Sokolov

Boris Sokolov ( _ru. Борис Вадимович Соколов) is a historian and a Russian literature researcher (he has Candidate of Science degree in History and Habilitat Doctor of Science in Philology). In 1979 he graduated from the department of geography of the Moscow State University, specialising in economic geography. His works have been translated into Japanese, Polish, Latvian and Estonian. He has also translated literary works from various languages. [ [ PROGNOSIS.RU / Борис Соколов ] ]

During the Soviet times, he worked at the Institute of World Literature. Currently he is a professor of social anthropology at the State Social University of Russia. [] . He has written numerous monographs, e.g. on Gogol, Sergei Esenin, and Bulgakov (Sokolov was the editor of the "Bulgakov Encyclopedia", published in 1996).

From the 1990s onwards, he has turned to subjects on Russian 20th century history, publishing studies on Beria, Stalin, Molotov and Brezhnev. He is one of the Russian historians alongside those who are critically reviewing the part of the Soviet Union in the Second World War. [ [ Чпеообс Мйфетбфхтб : Йуумедпчбойс : Уплпмпч В.Ч. Ртбчдб П Чемйлпк Пфеюеуфчеоопк Чпкое (Увптойл Уфбфек) ] ]


*Б. В. Соколов "Булгаков. Энциклопедия." Алгоритм, 2003. ISBN 5-320-00143-6
*Б. В. Соколов "Вторая мировая. Факты и версии" ISBN 5-462-00445-1
*Б. В. Соколов "Оккупация. Правда и мифы" Мoscow, АСТ, 2002. [ online version)]
*Третий Рейх. "Мифы и действительность" Эксмо, Яуза, 2005
*Б.В. Соколов "Правда о Великой Отечественной войне" (Сборник статей). — СПб.: Алетейя, 1999 ( [ online text] )
*Соколов Б.В. Неизвестный Жуков: портрет без ретуши в зеркале эпохи. (Unknown Zhukov by B.V. Sokolov) — Мн.: Родиола-плюс, 2000608 с. («Мир в войнах»). ISBN 985-448-036-4. ( [ online text] )Б. В. Соколов. Михаил Булгаков: Загадки судьбы. Москва: Вагриус, 2008.Б. В. Соколов. Михаил Булгаков: Загадки творчества. Москва: Вагриус, 2008.Б.В. Соколов. Тухачевский. Москва: Моодая гвардия, 2008.
**Sokolov, B.V.: World War II Revisited: Did Stalin Intend to Attack Hitler?- In: Journal of Slavic Military Studies 11 (1998), H. 2, S. 113-141


External links

* [ Books by B.V.Sokolov (in Russian)]

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