Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians

Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians

Antiquus Ordo Rosicrucianis (A.O.R.) (Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians) is a hermetic-qabalistic Initiatory Order, an Aquarian Age mystery school in the western tradition. Its traditional Latin name is "Antiquus Ordo Rosicrucianis" and its original German name is "Alter Orden der Rosenkreuzer", and means "Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians". A.O.R. is a world-wide non-profit organisation and was founded in 1989 by Daniel Wagner and other Rosicrucian initiates. Since 2005 it was succeeded by Hamid Mirzaie.


1988 international leaders of esoteric orders met in Arc-en-ciel, then in Cercle d'Alexandrie (Circle Alexandrie) and in Groupe of Thèbes (Group of Thebes), among them where the famous occult authors Robert Amadou and Robert Ambelain. They joined their work in order to prepare the era of the new millennium . Membership in the secret Groupe de Thèbes was exclusively reserved for leaders of well-known orders.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall they discovered some Rosicrucian manuscripts and a more completed version of the Arcana Arcanorum in the freemason´s part of the library of Poznan / Silesia.

Some of these leaders of esoteric orders, especially Daniel Wagner, worked together to create a new organisation, which had the intention to unite the Spanish, German, French and English Rosicrucian traditions - the A.O.R. of today. A.O.R. tells about itself that there is a secret initiatoric order working within its most inner circles which stands for the True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order. It is this secret order which has been spoken of by the authors of the Fama Fraternitatis and Karl von Eckartshausen.


The Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians is organized in different levels. very selective about choosing candidates for initiation. They are admitted through their initiation in a local Lodge. The Outer Order is formed by initiates of the tradition of mysteries and is aimed at its member's evolution of Wisdom, Love and Liberty. The Inner order consists of enlightened adepts of the High Mysteries.

The order is divided in lodges, chapters and study and meditation groups.

The highest committee is the Supreme Council consisting of members of the international Grand Lodge. The different language zones are under the guidance of a Grandmaster with full power of authority within his area. The present souveran Grandmaster is Hamid Mirzaie. Studying takes place at home and in local groups. Initiations and ritual meetings are restricted to the lodges.


The syllabus comprises the studies of the most inner mysteries of the qabalah, rosicrucianism, hermeticism, alchemy, metaphysics, development of supersensitve powers, meditation, mysticism, symbolism of the esoteric Tarot, healing by colour and sound, self-knowledge, ancient mysteries, theurgy and the work of the esoteric order. In the outer circle students receive corresponding courses.


The order's main aim is the development of the brotherhood of humanity through the expression of perfect wisdom, love and liberty which means:

* universal spiritual development
* universal health
* universal political freedom
* universal religious freedom
* universal education
* universal prosperity
* universal peace

See also

*Hamid Mirzaie - superior Grandmaster of AOR

External links

* [ AOR - Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians] - The official international website

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