file format is one of several standards developed by theSociety of Exploration Geophysicists for storing geophysical data. It is anopen standard , and is controlled by the SEG Technical Standards Committee, a non-profit organization.The format was originally developed in
1973 to store single-lineseismic digital data onmagnetic tape s. The specification was published in1975 , [Cite journal |last=Barry |first=K.M. |coauthors=Cavers, D.A.; Kneale, C.W. |year=1975 |title=Recommended standards for digital tape formats |journal=Geophysics |volume=40 |issue=2 |pages=344–352 |url=http://www.seg.org/SEGportalWEBproject/prod/SEG-Publications/Pub-Technical-Standards/Documents/seg_y_rev0.pdf |doi=10.1190/1.1440530 ] and has since been named as the "rev 0" specification. However, since its release, there have been significant advancements in geophysical data acquisition, such as 3-dimensionalseismic techniques and high speed, high capacity recording.The most recent revision of the SEG Y format was published in
2002 , named the "rev 1" specification. [Cite book |last=Norris |first=M.W. |coauthors=Faichney, A.K. (Eds.) |year=2002 |title=SEG Y rev1 Data Exchange format1 |publisher=Society of Exploration Geophysicists |location=Tulsa, OK |pages=45 pp. |url=http://www.seg.org/SEGportalWEBproject/prod/SEG-Publications/Pub-Technical-Standards/Documents/seg_y_rev1.pdf ] It still features certain legacies of the original format, such as an optional SEGY tape label, the main 3200byte textualEBCDIC character encoded tape header and a 400 byte binary header.This image shows the byte stream structure of a SEG Y file, with the Revision 1. added Extended Textual File Header records.
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