

Colonius is the Cologne telecommunications tower, which was finished in 1981. The Colonius possesses a cafeteria, viewing platform, and a restaurant, apart from antennas for radio relay and radio services within the VHF range. Because of a missing leaseholder, the visitor's area including restaurant and viewing platform is currently closed (as of 2009). At the time of its completion the Colonius was 252.9 meters high. In 2004 a radio tower added by helicopter increased the height to 266 meters. This addition allowed the broadcast of digital television (DVB-T) from the tower in the Cologne/Bonn region.

See also: List of towers

Colonius, telecommunications tower

External links

Coordinates: 50°56′50″N 6°55′55″E / 50.94722°N 6.93194°E / 50.94722; 6.93194

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