- Silver Valley High School
Silver Valley High School in
Yermo, California is located at 35484 Daggett/Yermo Rd, Yermo, CA 92398, in theHigh Desert ofSouthern California . The school is in theSilver Valley Unified School District . It's phone number is (760) 254-2963.The current principal is Heather Griggs
Academic statistics
The school serves an area of approximately 3,345 square miles, equivalent in size to the combined states of
Rhode Island andDelaware . It provides educational services to the communities ofCalico ,Daggett ,Fort Irwin ,Ludlow ,Newberry Springs andYermo . Many of the families who live in the valley work in agriculture, railroading, trucking, local businesses, or on military bases. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the families are military or are military related.General Information [http://ca.localschooldirectory.com/schools_info.php/school_id/12926 Silver Valley High School in Yermo, California / CA ] ]
* Total Students: 483
* Full Time Teachers: 27
* Student/Teacher Ratio: 18 Students : 1 TeacherRace Distribution
* Asian: 5%
* Black: 18%
* Hispanic: 20%
* Native American: 1%
* White/Other: 53%Student Graduation Data (2005-2006 data)
* Number of 12th grade graduates: 59
* Number of 12th grade graduates (also completed UC/CSU courses): 18Student Drop Outs (2005-2006 data)
* Total Number of Drop Outs: 4Staff (2006-2007 data)
* Number of full-time paraprofessional staff: 5
* Number of full-time office/clerical staff: 5
* Number of full-time other staff: 4
* Number of part-time other staff 5Select Enrollment (2006-2007 data)
* Enrollment in algebra or algebra II: 78
* Enrollment in advanced math course: 121
* Enrollment in first year chemistry: 73
* Enrollment in first year physics: 20
* Career-technical education enrollment: 216Facilities
School Technology Infrastructure (2006-2007 data) [http://ca.localschooldirectory.com/schools_info.php/school_id/12926 Silver Valley High School in Yermo, California / CA ] ]
* Number of computers used for instructionally-related purposes: 235
* Number of classrooms or other instructional settings with internet access: 28pecial events
Clubs and activities
Academic Decathlon
*Associated Student Body
*Color Guard
*Make a Difference Day
*Step Team
*Trojan Times,School Newspaper
* Drama ClubReferences
External links
* [http://www.silvervalley.k12.ca.us/svhs/ Silver Valley High School]
* [http://www.silvervalley.k12.ca.us/ Silver Valley Unified School District]
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