National Federation of Music Clubs

National Federation of Music Clubs

The National Federation of Music Clubs was founded in 1898, became an NGO member of the United Nations in 1949, and was chartered by the U.S. Congress in 1982. NFMC is a non-profit philanthropic music organization whose goal is to promote American music, performers, and composers through quality music education and supporting the highest standards of musical creativity and performance. NFMC headquarters are located in Greenwood, Indiana.



Lana M. Bailey was installed as NFMCs 31st President in 2007 in Salt Lake City. She holds a Bachelor of Music degree in piano from East Carolina University and a Master of Music Degree in piano from Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University where she studied with pianist, Leon Fleisher.

State Organizations

There are 45 State Federations with more than 146,000 Senior, Student/Collegiate, and Junior members in 5,500 federated clubs and organizations. Federated states are divided into five regions: Northeastern, Southeastern, North Central, South Central, and Western.

Conventions/Fall Sessions

NFMC conventions are held biennially in the even years; Fall Sessions are held biennially in the odd years. The 2011 NFMC Biennial Convention (56th) will be held in McLean, Virginia, June 712, 2011.


  • Music Clubs (magazine), published 3 times a year.
  • Junior Keynotes (magazine), published 3 times a year.

External links
