student union — n. a building on a college or university campus used for student activities and usually having meeting and recreation rooms, offices, a snack bar, etc … English World dictionary
student union — also .students union BrE n 1.) a building where students go to meet socially 2.) BrE an association of students in a particular college or university … Dictionary of contemporary English
student union — noun count a building at a college or university where students can meet and take part in activities … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
student union — students union UK / US or student union UK / US noun [countable] Word forms students union : singular students union plural students unions Word forms student union : singular student union plural student unions a) an organization at a university … English dictionary
student union — noun Student union is used before these nouns: ↑election … Collocations dictionary
Student Union (Oklahoma State University) — Billed as the largest student union in the world, [ [ union.htm About Us ] ] the Oklahoma State University Student Union is a student activity center for meetings, conferences, meals, recreation, and shopping for… … Wikipedia
Student Union of the University of Turku — The Student Union of the University of Turku (TYY, in Finnish Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta ) is a body to which, under public law, all University of Turku Bachelor s and Master s degree students belong. It is among the oldest student unions… … Wikipedia
Student Union of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration — Infobox Company name = Student Union of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration type = Student Union genre = foundation = 1936 founder = location city = Bergen location country = Norway location = locations = area served =… … Wikipedia
Student Union (Michigan State University) — Michigan State University campus Student Union Use Student Union … Wikipedia
Student Union at the Royal Institute of Technology — The Student Union at the Royal Institute of Technology ( Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår or THS) is the students union at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.The student union was founded on 26 November 1901. The union building… … Wikipedia