

DL character
name = Paladine
alias = Fizban the Fabulous
alignment = Lawful Good
title =

  • Draco Paladin
  • E'li
  • The Platinum Dragon
  • Dragonlord
  • Valiant Warrior
  • The Dragon's Lord
  • Bah'mut
  • The Great Dragon
  • Skyblade
  • Platinum Father
  • Thak the Hammer
    race = Deity
    gender = Male
    creator = Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
    debut = Dragons of Autumn Twilight (1984)

    Paladine is a fictional major deity from the "Dragonlance" fantasy series of novels and role playing games, originally published by TSR, Inc. and later by Sovereign Press under the d20 Open Gaming License developed by Wizards of the Coast.

    Paladine is the leader of the faction of good deities in the "Dragonlance" campaign setting. Among his other duties, he is the patron deity of the Order of the Rose, a prestigious order of knighthood. He is also credited with the creation of the elven race in the "Dragonlance" campaign world. His colors are silver and white. In keeping with his role as a major deity, He holds dominion over several concepts, which form his divine portfolio. Among these concepts are Charity, Redemption, Leadership, Law, and Light.

    Paladine is described as being the elder brother of Takhisis and Gilean, the major deities of Evil and Neutrality, respectively. He and Mishakal are the parents of Kiri-Jolith, Habbakuk, and Solinari, who are all lesser deities of good.

    Character background

    In the very early stages of the character's development, Paladine and the character Huma Dragonbane were regarded as interchangeable - however, Tracy Hickman soon moved to using the character of Fizban as Paladine's avatar. [cite web
    title = Interview with Jeff Grubb
    work = Dragonlance Nexus
    url =
    date = April 29, 2001
    accessdate = 2008-03-13
    ] Thus when Paladine is first encountered in the novels, albeit incognito, in the preface to Dragons of Autumn Twilight, he calls himself "Fizban" and represents himself to be a clumsy and absent-minded wizard.cite book
    last = DeKirk
    first = Ash
    title = Dragonlore: From the Archives of the Grey School of Wizardry
    year = 2006
    publisher = Career Press
    ] The character of Paladine continues to present himself as "Fizban" through most of the series, although it becomes increasingly evident that Fizban is more than what he appears to be. Eventually, his friendship with the kender character Tasselhoff Burfoot becomes so strong he declares the "Fizban" avatar to be his favorite.cite book
    last = Weiss
    first = Margaret
    authorlink =
    coauthors = Hickman, Tracy
    title = The Dragonlance Chronicles
    publisher = Wizards of the Coast
    date =
    location =
    pages = 1030
    url =
    doi =
    id =
    isbn = 978-0880386524

    After the events of the War of Souls, Paladine voluntarily gives up his divine status and becomes Valthonis, a mortal elf. [cite book
    last = Weis
    first = Margaret
    authorlink = Margaret Weis
    last2 = Hickman
    first2 = Tracy
    author2-link = Tracy Hickman
    title = Dragons of a Vanished Moon (Dragonlance: War of Souls, Book 3)
    publisher = Wizards of the Coast
    month = March | year = 2003
    location = Seatle, WA
    pages = 624
    url =
    id = 178810000
    isbn = 0786929502

    ymbols and titles

    The pantheon of deities in the Dragonlance mythos is divided into three factions; the Good, the Evil, and the Neutral deities. Each of these groups has several deities of varying influence. Paladine is the head of the deities that represent the forces of Good. There is nothing inherently better about the position, it is simply a hierarchy to establish and enforce order.

    Paladine is also called Draco Paladin, E'li, the Platinum Dragon, Dragonlord, Valiant Warrior, The Dragon's Lord, Bah'mut (strikingly similar to traditional mythological creature Bahamut), the Great Dragon, Skyblade, Platinum Father, and Thak the Hammer.cite web
    title= Dragonlance Nexus: Paladine - Dragonlance Lexicon
    work=Dragonlance Nexus - Lexicon
    ] After the conclusion of the War of the Lance, the deity himself became known as Fizban among the fictional race of kender; thus, referring to "Fizban" by kender can be somewhat ambiguous.

    His symbols include the anvil, a silver triangle, a pine tree, and the platinum dragon. In the night sky of Krynn, he can be viewed as the constellation known as the Valiant Warrior, sometimes referred to as the Platinum Dragon. In the first chapters of Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Raistlin Majere notes that this constellation, as well as the constellation for Takhisis, were missing, suggesting that both deities were physically present on Krynn in their forms. This is later proven to be the case when Raistlin meets Paladine's avatar Fizban in person.

    Dragonlance movie

    Actor Neil Ross voiced Fizban (Paladine) in the animated "" movie,cite web
    url =
    title = Cast
    accessdate = 2006-07-30
    publisher = Cinemagine Media Ltd.
    ] directed by Will Meugniot, written by George Strayton and produced by Toonz Animation, Commotion Pictures, Epic Level Entertainment, Kickstart Entertainment and Paramount Pictures. It was released January 15, 2008.

    Comparisons with other fictional characters

    Weis and Hickman later introduced a similar character in the "Death Gate Cycle" named Zifnab, and in "The Mantle of Kendis-Dai" named Zanfib. Both names are anagrams of Fizban, and both characters bear strong similarities to him. Tracy Hickman notes that the character of Fizban belongs to TSR Inc. (and presumably transferred to Wizards of the Coast), while the characters of Zifnab and Zanfib are owned by himself and Margaret Weis. [cite web
    last = Hickman
    first = Tracy
    title = Frequently Asked Questions
    work = Official Tracy Hickman Website
    url =
    accessdate = 2008-03-13

    Paladine (in his Fizban aspect) has drawn comparisons with the character of Gandalf in Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings". Both serve as as guides and mentors to the other characters in the stories. But while Gandalf guides through his wisdom and legendary status, Fizban is far more awkward and seemingly senseless, constantly putting the characters into worse trouble than they were in before. Nevertheless, in the end Fizban, as with Gandalf, is revealed to be much more than was initially apparent.cite book
    last = Manni
    first = Franco
    title = Introduzione a Tolkien
    year = 2002
    ISBN = 8886792395
    publisher = Simonelli Editore

    Real-world influence

    Paladine, along with other Dragonlance deities, has been included in Genesis LPMud, a text-based, massively multiplayer online game whose Fantasy/Adventure theme draws heavily from several fantasy settings, including Tolkien's Middle-earth and Dragonlance.cite web |url= |title=PALADINE, THE DRAGON'S LORD |accessdate=2008-03-11 |format=HTML |work=Genesis Library ] Paladine also appears as a character in [ Ansalon MUD] , where his character is played by one of the MUD staffcite web |url= |title=The Immortals of Ansalon |accessdate=2008-03-14 |format=HTML |work=Ansalon MUD ]


    *"Holy Orders of the Stars"
    *"Dragonlance Campaign Setting"
    *" [] "

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