

D.S.-13 (Demon System 13) were a hardcore punk/thrashcore band hailing from Umeå, Sweden, formed around 1995. The band existed until 2002 and toured Europe, USA and Japan.


  • Vocals - Tom Terror
  • Bass - Christoffer "138" Röstlund Jonsson (Sonic Ritual, ex-ETA, Bruce Banner, Imperial Leather)
  • Guitar - Jonas Lyxzén (Insurgent Kid)
  • Drums - André Sandström (Tristess, Vicious, Asterisk*, The Lost Patrol Band)



  • 1998 - Aborted Teen Generation EP (Havoc Records)
  • 1998 - Split 7" with Blood of Others (Spiral Objective /Organic Records)
  • 1998 - "For The Kids, Not The Business" - Umeå Hardcore 1998 (Communichaos Media /Insect)
  • 2000 - Thrash and Burn EP (Boy Useless, Enslaved Records)
  • 2000 - Split 7" with Code 13 (Havoc Records)
  • 2001 - Vad Vet Vi Om Kriget? LP (Deranged Records)
  • 2001 - Killed by the Kids LP (Havoc Records)
  • 2002 - No One Will Thank You When You Are Dead CD (Deranged Records)

See also

Umeå hardcore

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