Legitimation crisis (disambiguation) — Legitimation crisis is a political science concept.Legitimation crisis may also refer to: * Legitimation Crisis , a book by Jurgen Habermas … Wikipedia
legitimation crisis — See critical theory … Dictionary of sociology
fiscal crisis — (of the state) A term coined by James O Connor (The Fiscal Crisis of the State, 1973), to denote the ‘structural gap’ in advanced capitalist societies between state revenues and expenses, which leads to economic, social, and political crises; now … Dictionary of sociology
fiscal crisis of the state — fiscal crisis (of the state) A term coined by James O Connor (The Fiscal Crisis of the State, 1973), to denote the ‘structural gap’ in advanced capitalist societies between state revenues and expenses, which leads to economic, social, and… … Dictionary of sociology
КРИЗИС ЛЕГИТИМАЦИИ — (legitimation crisis) тенденция современных политических систем, зависимых от согласия политического авторитета на их поддержание, сталкиваться с крупными проблемами, равноценными кризису . Такие проблемы возникают, в частности, из противоречий… … Большой толковый социологический словарь
ЛЕГИТИМАЦИИ КРИЗИС — (LEGITIMATION CRISIS) Этот термин был предложен Ю. Хабермасом, утверждавшим, что все социальные системы должны обладать определенным механизмом, придающим им легитимность. Современные капиталистические общества нуждаются в масштабном… … Социологический словарь
Postmodernist theory — Lyotard, Baudrillard and others Thomas Docherty INTRODUCTION Philosophy has been touched by postmodernism. Philosophy, in the modern academy, is supposed to be the discipline of disciplines: it is philosophy which will be able to gather together … History of philosophy
Permanent war economy — The concept of permanent war economy originated in 1944 with an article by Ed Sard (alias Frank Demby, Walter S. Oakes and T.N. Vance; he was a Trotskyist from the 1930s) who predicted a post war arms race. He argued at the time that the USA… … Wikipedia
critical theory — In sociology, critical theory is most closely associated with the Frankfurt School of Social Research, although its origins can be traced back through Hegelianism and Western Marxism generally. The term now describes a very diverse strand of… … Dictionary of sociology
legitimacy — legitimacy, legitimation Legitimation refers to the process by which power is not only institutionalized but more importantly is given moral grounding. Legitimacy (or authority) is what is accorded to such a stable distribution of power when it… … Dictionary of sociology