Ceratogyrus bechuanicus

Ceratogyrus bechuanicus

name = Burst horned baboon

image_caption = exuvia of an adult female
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Araneomorphae
familia = Theraphosidae
genus = "Ceratogyrus"
species = "C. bechuanicus"
binomial = "Ceratogyrus bechuanicus"
binomial_authority = Purcell, 1902

range_map_width = 250px

"Ceratogyrus bechuanicus" (commonly called Burst Horned Baboon or Straight Horn Tarantula) is a theraphosid spider from southern Africa, mainly Botswana. They reach a body length of about 5 cm and are grey-brown to black. The peltidium features a black foveal horn. [ [http://www.minaxtarantulas.net/artskotsel/bechuan_e.html Minax Tarantulas - Ceratogyrus bechuanicus ] ]

"C. bechuanicus" is the most common "Ceratogyrus" species held in captivity, although it is rather aggressive and fast. When kept in captivity, it requires dry substrate, such as peat, on which to live. This allows it to burrow, and also will allow it to avoid fungal infection. As this species is from a very arid habitat, it cannot cope with too much moisture.


External links

* [http://www.spidy.goliathus.com/english/ceratogyrus-bechuanicus-id58.html Picture of "C. bechuanicus" spiderling]
* [http://giantspiders.com/C_bechuanicus.html Picture of adult female]
* [http://www.arachnophilia.de/index.php?action=art&id=17 Pictures]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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