Henle's layer — Hen·le s layer hen lēz n a single layer of cuboidal epithelium forming the outer boundary of the inner stratum of a hair follicle compare HUXLEY S LAYER Hen·le hen lə Friedrich Gustav Jacob (1809 1885) German anatomist and histologist. One of… … Medical dictionary
Henle fiber layer — the outer plexiform layer in the region of the macula lutea; see also entoretina … Medical dictionary
layer — A sheet of one substance lying on another and distinguished from it by a difference in texture or color or by not being continuous with it. SEE ALSO: stratum, lamina. SYN: panniculus. ameloblastic l. the internal l. of the enamel organ. SYN: enam … Medical dictionary
Henle layer — the outer layer of cells of the inner root sheath of a hair follicle, lying between the outer root sheath and the Huxley layer. See illustration. Henle and Huxley layers in the inner root sheath in a longitudinal section of a hair follicle … Medical dictionary
Henle — Friedrich G.J., German anatomist, pathologist, and histologist, 1809–1885. See crypts of H., under crypt, H. ampulla, H. ansa, H. glands, under gland, H. fissures, under fissure, H. layer, H. fiber layer, H. nervous layer, H. loop, H. membrane, H … Medical dictionary
Henle ampulla loop etc. — Hen·le ampulla, loop, etc. (henґle) [Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle, German anatomist, 1809–1885] see under fiber, gland, layer, membrane, and reaction, and see ampulla ductus deferentis, ansa nephroni, falx inguinalis, and spina suprameatica … Medical dictionary
Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle — (July 9, 1809 May 13, 1885) was a German physician, pathologist and anatomist. He is credited with the discovery of the loop of Henle in the kidney. His essay On Miasma and Contagia was an early argument for the germ theory of disease. He was an… … Wikipedia
loop of Henle — loop of Hen·le hen lē n the U shaped part of a vertebrate nephron that lies between and is continuous with the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, that leaves the cortex of the kidney descending into the medullary tissue and then bending back … Medical dictionary
Malpighian layer — Histologic image of the epidermis with its layers named in white text. The Malpighian layer of the skin is a term that is generally defined as both the stratum basale and stratum spinosum as a unit,[1][ … Wikipedia
Huxley's layer — Hux·ley s layer həks lēz n a layer of the inner stratum of a hair follicle composed of one or two layers of horny flattened epithelial cells with nuclei and situated between Henle s layer and the cuticle next to the hair Huxley Thomas Henry (1825 … Medical dictionary