

Pulavanchi is a village located in Madukkur, in the Thanjavur District, of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. [cite news|url=http://www.hindu.com/2005/08/14/stories/2005081404020400.htm|title=Award for panchayat |date=2005-08-14|work=Tamil Nadu: Briefly|publisher=The Hindu|accessdate=2008-09-07]

The name Pulavanchi is derived from a combination of "pulamai" (the name Talent) and "vanchi" (woman), named after people who used to occupy the area. Now, the population is primarily drawn from the vellalar and kallar castes. The main occupation of the people is in agriculture.

The Kaveri River runs through the village, which is surrounded by fields of crops and coconut trees. There are also many ponds and a large lake. The village is one of 15 selected for the Tamil Nadu Green Village Award.

The village contains temples dedicated to a number of Hindu deities including Subramanya and [Mariamman|Amman] . The most famous temple is one dedicated to popular local god Ayyanar, located on the shore of the lake.


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