- Robert Ross (CEO)
Robert Ross was the founder and leader of the
Muscular Dystrophy Association in 1950. Ross served asCEO for 44 years until his death in 2006. The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is an organization which combats muscular dystrophy and diseases of the nervous system and muscular system in general by funding research, providing medical and community services, and educating health professionals and the general public. The work of Robert Ross was appreciated by many and it was he who persuadedJerry Lewis to undertake a yearlytelethon to raise money formuscular dystrophy [ [http://www.mda.org/news/060606bob_ross.html MDA News, "Robert Ross, MDA President & CEO, Dies", 6 June 2006.] ] . Starting in February 1999, Ross wrote a column for MDA, titled "The Ross Report" [ [http://www.mda.org/ross/rr-archive.html Ross Report Archive] ] —the final submission to The Ross Report was made in May 2006, one month before Ross's death.Ross died in June 2006 aged 86, following complications of surgery to repair a broken hip. [ [http://www.mda.org/publications/als/als11_7.html#ross MDA / ALS Newsmagazine "Robert Ross Will Be Missed, But Not Forgotten", Vol. 11, No. 7, August 2006.] ] [The Arizona Star, "Robert Ross dies at 86; brought MDA to Tucson" June 7, 2006.]
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