- Administrative divisions of Tver Oblast
*Urban-type settlements under the federal government management:
**Ozyorny (Озёрный)
**Solnechny (Солнечный)
*Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction:
**Tver (Тверь) (administrative center)
***"City districts":
****Moskovsky (Московский)
****Proletarsky (Пролетарский)
****Tsentralny (Центральный)
****Zavolzhsky (Заволжский)
**Bezhetsk (Бежецк)
**Bologoye (Бологое)
**Kashin (Кашин)
**Kimry (Кимры)
**Konakovo (Конаково)
**Nelidovo (Нелидово)
**Ostashkov (Осташков)
**Rzhev (Ржев)
**Torzhok (Торжок)
**Udomlya (Удомля)
**Vyshny Volochyok (Вышний Волочёк)
**Andreapolsky (Андреапольский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Andreapol (Андреаполь)
***with 7 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Belsky (Бельский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Bely (Белый)
***with 6 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Bezhetsky (Бежецкий)
***with 13 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Bologovsky (Бологовский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kuzhenkino (Куженкино)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Firovsky (Фировский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Firovo (Фирово)
****Velikooktyabrsky (Великооктябрьский)
***with 3 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kalininsky (Калининский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Orsha (Орша)
****Sukhoverkovo (Суховерково)
****Vasilyevsky Mokh (Васильевский Мох)
***with 15 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kalyazinsky (Калязинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kalyazin (Калязин)
***with 4 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kashinsky (Кашинский)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kesovogorsky (Кесовогорский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kesova Gora (Кесова Гора)
***with 6 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kimrsky (Кимрский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Bely Gorodok (Белый Городок)
***with 13 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Konakovsky (Конаковский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Izoplit (Изоплит)
****Kozlovo (Козлово)
****Novozavidovsky (Новозавидовский)
****Radchenko (Радченко)
****Redkino (Редкино)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Krasnokholmsky (Краснохолмский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Krasny Kholm (Красный Холм)
***with 9 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kuvshinovsky (Кувшиновский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kuvshinovo (Кувшиново)
***with 12 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Lesnoy (Лесной)
***with 4 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Likhoslavlsky (Лихославльский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Likhoslavl (Лихославль)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Kalashnikovo (Калашниково)
***with 10 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Maksatikhinsky (Максатихинский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Maksatikha (Максатиха)
***with 12 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Molokovsky (Молоковский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Molokovo (Молоково)
***with 5 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Nelidovsky (Нелидовский)
***with 5 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Oleninsky (Оленинский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Olenino (Оленино)
***with 6 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Ostashkovsky (Осташковский)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Penovsky (Пеновский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Peno (Пено)
***with 6 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Rameshkovsky (Рамешковский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Rameshki (Рамешки)
***with 10 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Rzhevsky (Ржевский)
***with 8 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Sandovsky (Сандовский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Sandovo (Сандово)
***with 5 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Selizharovsky (Селижаровский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Selizharovo (Селижарово)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Sonkovsky (Сонковский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Sonkovo (Сонково)
***with 7 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Spirovsky (Спировский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Spirovo (Спирово)
***with 4 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Staritsky (Старицкий)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Staritsa (Старица)
***with 12 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Toropetsky (Торопецкий)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Toropets (Торопец)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Torzhoksky (Торжокский)
***with 22 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Udomelsky (Удомельский)
***with 12 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Vesyegonsky (Весьегонский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Vesyegonsk (Весьегонск)
***with 7 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Vyshnevolotsky (Вышневолоцкий)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Krasnomaysky (Красномайский)
***with 14 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Zapadnodvinsky (Западнодвинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Zapadnaya Dvina (Западная Двина)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Staraya Toropa (Старая Торопа)
**Zharkovsky (Жарковский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Zharkovsky (Жарковский)
***with 5 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Zubtsovsky (Зубцовский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Zubtsov (Зубцов)
***with 7 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.References
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