- John Corbin
John Corbin (1870-1959) was an American dramatic critic and author, born in
Chicago , educated at Harvard, and an established writer inNew York City . From 1897 to 1900 he was an assistant editor of "Harper's Magazine ", during part of this time acting also as dramatic critic for "Harper's Weekly "; in 1902 he wrote the dramatic notices of theNew York Times and in 1905-07 those of the "Sun". From 1908 to 1910 he was literary manager of The New Theatre, during the short life of which his efforts contributed much towards notably artistic productions. He served as secretary of theDrama Society of New York until 1916. In 1916 he produced Shakespeare's "Tempest" (with full text in the Elizabethan manner). From 1917 to 1919 he was dramatic critic of the New York Times and after 1919 editorial writer for the same paper. Besides magazine stories and articles on the drama, he was author of:
* "The Elizabethan Hamlet" (1895)
* "Schoolboy Life in England: An American View" (1898)
* "An American at Oxford" (1902)
* "A New Portrait of Shakespeare" (1903)
* "The First Loves of Perilla" (1903)
* "The Cave Man" (1907)
* "Which College for the Boy" (1908)
* "Husband and the Forbidden Guests" (1910)
* "The Edge" (1915)
* "The Return of the Middle Class" (1922)*
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