

Gaitana, also referred to as La Gaitana and Cacica Gaitana, was a 16th century Páez woman leader who, in 1539-40, led the indigenous people of northern Cauca, Colombia in armed resistance against colonization by the Spanish. Her monument sculpted by Rodrigo Arenas stands in Neiva, the capital of Huila in Colombia.

The indigenous people

According to Spanish chronologists, at the time of conquest, the modern territory of Huila Department was inhabited to the west by the Yalcon tribe (with nearly 5000 warriors) comprising the Avirama, the Pinao, the Guanaca and the Paez whose tribal leader was Gaitana Cacica. The eastern region was inhabited by the Andaqui and Pijao peoples.

Pedro de Añasco

Pedro de Añasco was a Spanish conqueror, sent by Sebastián de Belalcázar to found a village in the territory of what is today Timana, in order to create a trade route through the Magdalena River valley.

Añasco called all the indigenous leaders and demanded that they pay him a tribute. A tribe of Yalcon people, commanded by a young man and his mother (Gaitana Cacica) delayed the payment, and Añasco decided to set an example by ordering her son to be burned alive.


The execution of Gaitana's son caused outrage among the indigenous tribes, who decided to cooperate with each other to join forces against the Spaniards. Añasco and his men were attacked by surprise. The men were executed and Añasco had his eyes removed and was dragged around the village until he died.


However, one of the indigenous leaders, Cacique Matambo, betrayed the organized indigenous forces. Matambo warned the Spaniards about plans against them with the result that the indigenous forces were crushed and the remaining indigenous people were gradually exterminated by slavery, smallpox and other European diseases.


* [ "A Snapshot of Colombia Occupations in Cali, the Peace Process, and Cauca by Justin Podur and Manuel Rozental 07/16/06]
* [ "Will people power have a chance in Colombia?" by Justin Podur 07/16/06]

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