

SenSys is the acronym for the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems

About SenSys

ACM SenSys is a highly selective, single-track forum for the presentation of research results on systems issues in the area of embedded networked sensors. This provides an ideal venue to address the research challenges facing the design, deployment, use, and fundamental limits of these systems. Sensor networks require contributions from many fields, from wireless communication and networking, embedded systems and hardware, distributed systems, data management, and applications, so SenSys welcomes cross-disciplinary work.


Although there is no official ranking of academic conferences on wireless sensor networks, SenSys is widely regarded by researchers as one of the two (along with IPSN) most prestigious conferences focusing on sensor network research. SenSys focuses more on system issues while IPSN on algorithmic and theoretical considerations. The acceptance rate for 2006 was 19.7% (24 out of 122 papers accepted for publication).

enSys Events

SenSys started in year 2003 and following is a list of SenSys events from 2003 to 2008:

* [ SenSys 2008] , Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, November 5-7, 2008
* [ SenSys 2007] , Sydney, Australia, November 6-9, 2007
* [ SenSys 2006] , Boulder, Colorado, USA, November 1-3, 2006
* [ SenSys 2005] , San Diego, CA, USA, November 2-4, 2005
* [ SenSys 2004] , Baltimore, MD, USA, November 3-5, 2004
* [ SenSys 2003] , Los Angeles, California, USA, November 5-7


SenSys is sponsored by the following ACM Special Interest Groups:

ee also

* Sensor Networks

External links

* [ SenSys]
* [ SenSys Bibliography] (from DBLP)
* [ SenSys Proceedings] (from ACM website)

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