- Leaping Michaels
In the game of bridge, Leaping Michaels is a conventional
overcall made in defense to an opposing 2-level or 3-levelpreempt . Leaping Michaels is played by many pairs as it provides a means to show strong two-suited hands (5-5 or longer) that are less suitable for atakeout double .To do so, Leaping Michaels, utilises the 4Clubs and 4Diams bids. Similar to
Michaels cuebid , in case this minor suit overcall is in the opposing suit, both major suits are implied. In case the overcall is not a cuebid, the suit bid plus a major suit is indicated. So, on preempts of the opponents (indicated between brackets), the following applies when playing Leaping Michaels::(2/3Hearts) - 4Clubs : Clubs and spades:(2/3Hearts) - 4Diams : Diamonds and spades:(2/3Spades) - 4Clubs : Clubs and hearts:(2/3Spades) - 4Diams : Diamonds and hearts:(3Clubs) - 4Clubs : Majors:(3Clubs) - 4Diams : Diamonds and an undisclosed major:(3Diams) - 4Clubs : Clubs and an undisclosed major:(3Diams) - 4Diams : Majors
After (3Diams) - 4Clubs, a bid of 4Diams asks for the major. The bids 4Hearts and 4Spades are to play.
Following (3Clubs) - 4Diams the bid of 4Hearts is played as pass-or-correct.
Some partnerships prefer to interchange the meanings of the 4Clubs and 4Diams bids following a 3Clubs preempt so that 4Clubs denotes diamonds and an undisclosed major. This has the advantage that the 4Diams becomes available to ask for the major suit. The 4Hearts/4Spades responses can then be played as natural (to play).
Leaping Michaels can be utilised after natural two-level preempts, but also after conventional preempts such as Muiderberg. Even after a
Multi 2 diamonds preempt, Leaping Michaels can be utilised to good effect::(2Diams) - 4Clubs : Clubs and an undisclosed major (4Diams asks for the major):(2Diams) - 4Diams : Diamonds and an undisclosed major (4Hearts is pass-or-correct)
See also:
Michaels cuebid
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.