Meanings of STI:


*Sega Technical Institute
*Southern Technical Institute - a university in Marietta, Georgia, USA
*STI Colleges - the Philippines' largest college in IT-based education courses
*Substitute Teaching Institute
*Swiss Tropical Institute
*Systems Technology Institute
*Semantic Technology Institute []


*Speech Transmission Index - a measure of understanding for speech intelligibility
*Straits Times Index - a stock market index


*Shallow Trench Isolation
*Single Table Inheritance - a technique to model object relationships onto relational databases
*Standard Transcoding Interface []
*STI (x86 instruction)
*Still Image Architecture in Windows 2000 - predecessor to Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
*Stationary target indication, a radar mode of operation


*Cibao International Airport, IATA airport code
*Sexually Transmitted Infection
*Shimano Total Integration - a gearshift system designed by Shimano for racing bicycles
*Sony Toshiba IBM - co-developers of the Cell microprocessor
*South Thailand insurgency
*STI International Inc - a firearms manufacturer
*Street Light Intelligence corp
*Subaru Impreza WRX STI
*Subaru Tecnica International - Subaru's motorsports division
*SunTrust Banks - a bank holding company whose NYSE stock symbol is STI
*Sacred Trust Incorporated, a fictional corrupted aviation firm in the 2000 PC game Crimson Skies

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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