- Prometheus Academy
Prometheus Academy is a fictional
high school from the Disney animated television series "" (see also). Though set inAncient Greece (specificallyAthens ), theAcademy shares many traits with modern educational institutions. It is coeducational, with both male and female students, and teaches such diverse subjects as history and "Home Grecanomics".Prometheus Academy is the school that the teenaged Hercules attends while training with
Philoctetes to become a hero in the Disney movie "Hercules". Many of the other students at the Academy are based on characters from mythology.The Academy was named after the Titan
Prometheus , who brought fire fromMount Olympus (the metaphorical "light of reason") to the mankind, and was punished by Zeus being chained to a rock and having hisliver pecked out by aneagle every day forever. Abronze statue of Prometheus being administered his punishment is the central point of the Academy's courtyard.List of Students
* Hercules (voiced by
Tate Donovan ), student, ademigod son ofZeus (Corey Burton ) &Hera (Samantha Eggar ), adopted son ofAlcmene (Barbara Barrie ) &Amphitryon (Corey Burton ), hero-in-training under Phil (Robert Costanza ), social outcast.
*Icarus (voiced byFrench Stewart ), the "brain-fried" son ofDaedalus &Naucrate (voiced byDavid Hyde Pierce &Jean Smart ), friend of Herc, novice creaton, class geek. Icarus has an unhealthy and clingy obsession for Cassandra. Secretly, Icarus occasionally dons a pair of his wax-wings and pretends to be a relatively unsuccessfulsuperhero .
*Cassandra (voiced bySandra Bernhard ), friend of Hercules, social outcast, and Seer cursed to see doom and disaster never to be believed. Daughter of Vic (Fred Willard ) and Evelyn (Georgia Engel ), who call her "Casserole." Cassandra iscurse d with the helpless ability to foresee catastrophic events, but never to be believed. When one of these prophetic trances overcome her, she becomes immobile and her eyes spin. Icarus calls this her "Cassandra-Vision." Cassandra despises Icarus and calls him her stalker, but she tolerates his presence because otherwise she would have no friends.
*Adonis (voiced byDiedrich Bader ), arrogant and pampered Prince of Thrace, son of KingCinyras (John O'Hurley ) &Myrrha (Holland Taylor ). Former boyfriend ofMegara (Susan Egan ).
*Helen (voiced byJodi Benson ), wealthy (most likely royalty) student, girlfriend of Adonis.
* Ajax (grunts byFrank Welker ?), barbarian student with very bad hygiene.
* Tempest, (voiced byJennifer Jason Leigh ), the quick-tempered Amazon "Warrior Princess" daughter of QueenHippolyta & King Darius, (voiced byJane Curtin &Emeril Lagasse ).
* Triton (voiced byChris Elliott ), Young godling son ofPoseidon &Amphitrite (voiced byJason Alexander &Leslie Mann ). Cousin of Hercules and new student at the Prometheus Academy.
*Melampus (voiced byEthan Embry ), Rival of Icarus for Cassandra's affections. Mykloid fan-boy of the comic-scroll superhero Myklos.
*Electra (voiced byJoey Lauren Adams ), goth student.
*Pandora (voiced byJenna von Oÿ ), student who possesses a locker full of miseries.
* Andromeda (voiced byKatherine Soucie ), new student who attracts Herc's attention.
*Anaxarete (voiced byCree Summer ), Herc's former girlfriend
* DioscuriList of teachers
* Mr. Parentheses, Prometheus Academy's Class Administator and Student Counselor (voiced by
Eric Idle )
* Ms.Cassiopeia , Poetry Teacher (voiced byAlice Ghostley )
* PhysOedipus , teacher of Physical Education (voiced byRichard Simmons )
* MissThespius , Drama Teacher (voiced byKathy Najimy )
* Mr.Daedalus , (a.k.a. Dad-alus) ProAc Shop Class Instructor, father of Icarus, and greatest inventor of all antiquity. (voiced byDavid Hyde Pierce )
* Mr.Herodotus , History teacher (voiced byJess Harnell &Paul Reubens )
* Mr. Pygmalion, Art teacher (voiced byCalvert DeForest )
* Mr.Ptolemy , Astronomy Instructor (voiced byGeorge Takei )
* Mr.Aesop , Storytime Instructor for ProAc, Jr (Prometheus Junior Academy) (voiced byBob Keeshan )
* Miss Euphrosyne, Home Greconomics Teacher (voiced byMelissa Manchester )
* Mr. Linus, Music Teacher (voiced byJason Marsden )
* AbasJr. Prometheus Academy
junior school attached to Prometheus Academy. The students that attend are also figures from mythology or ancient history, though pre-teen versions of those characters, before they became famous. One of their teachers is Mr.Aesop , who tells stories (his eponymous fables) in order to teach the students by means of his morals.Jr. Prometheus Academy students
* Alex (voiced by
Courtland Mead )
* Brutus, a centaur foal (voiced byPamela Adlon )
* Callista (voiced byLacey Chabert )
* Alcides (voiced byChristine Cavanaugh )
* Phillip, kid with teething troubles (voiced byRyan O'Donohue )Trojan Academy
A prestigious academy in the city state of
Troy where Prince Paris, and Otus, the demi-god son of Poseidon attend school. School team is called "The Stallions" and the school colors are Blue and Silver. The Trojan Academy, as it is called, appeared first in the episode "Hercules and the Trojan War". It is the rival school of Prometheus Academy and resembles it in many ways. Instead of a statue of Prometheus, they have a statue of a horse in the courtyard, based on theTrojan Horse (although the horse of legend was supposedly derived from the statue and not the other way around). As with the Prometheus Academy, several of the students are characters from Greek myth.Also seen twice in the series was the Spar O.T.C. (a.k.a. Spartan Military Academy) Spartan Officer Training Corps/Military high school in the city-state of
Sparta , patron city-state of Ares. School's sports team name is "The Wardogs." Motto: Go Dogs! Victory or Death! Seen in the episodes "Hercules and the Big Game" and "Hercules and the Spartan Experience."Trivia
* During the course of the series, Hercules set out to rescue Prometheus.
* Paris says "Oooh, anolive branch . How Athenian." This may be a reference to the fact that olives were one of the most common fruits inGreece especially inAthens . Also it may or may not be a reference to the fact that inGreek mythology the olive tree was given to them by thegoddess Athena .
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