

A versicle is the first half of one of a set of preces, said or sung by an officiant or cantor and answered with a said or sung response by the or choir. For example, in the following opening of the Anglican service of Evening Prayer according to the "Book of Common Prayer", the first line is the versicle and the second is the response.

:"O:" O Lord, open thou our lips:"P:" And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise.

In some liturgical books (such as hymnals or breviaries) the symbol "V" or "" is used.

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  • Versicle — Ver si*cle, n. [L. versiculus, dim. of versus. See {Verse}.] A little verse; especially, a short verse or text said or sung in public worship by the priest or minister, and followed by a response from the people. [1913 Webster] The psalms were in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • versicle — [vʉr′si kəl] n. [ME < L versiculus, dim. of versus] a short verse or verse part, usually of a Psalm, used esp. in antiphonal prayer …   English World dictionary

  • Versicle —    In Christian liturgies, a short text usually chanted by the celebrant or deacon that elicits a response from the choir (e.g., Benedicamus Domino). The pairing of versicle and response is called versus in Latin liturgical books.    See also… …   Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • versicle — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin versiculus, diminutive of versus verse Date: 14th century 1. a short verse or sentence (as from a psalm) said or sung by a leader in public worship and followed by a response from the people 2. a little… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • versicle — /verr si keuhl/, n. 1. a little verse. 2. Eccles. a short verse, usually from the Psalms, said or sung by the officiant, after which the congregation recites a response. Cf. response (def. 3a). [1350 1400; ME < L versiculus. See VERSE, I , CLE1]… …   Universalium

  • versicle — noun In poetry, and songs, particularly hymns, one of a series of lines that are shorter than a standard line of verse …   Wiktionary

  • versicle — ver|si|cle Mot Pla Nom masculí …   Diccionari Català-Català

  • versicle — short verse in church service normally followed by response Ecclesiastical Terms …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • versicle — n. short verse of liturgy (Christianity); short verse of poetry …   English contemporary dictionary

  • versicle — [ və:sɪk(ə)l] noun a short sentence said or sung by the minister in a church service, to which the congregation gives a response …   English new terms dictionary

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