- Palaeeudyptes
name = "Palaeeudyptes"
status = fossil
fossil_range = Middle/Late Eocene -Late Oligocene
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Aves
ordo =Sphenisciformes
familia =Spheniscidae
subfamilia =Palaeeudyptinae
genus = "Palaeeudyptes"
genus_authority = Huxley, 1859
type_species = "Palaeeudyptes antarcticus "
type_species_authority = Huxley, 1859
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = "Palaeeudyptes antarcticus " "Palaeeudyptes gunnari " "Palaeeudyptes marplesi " "Palaeeudyptes klekowskii "
synonyms ="Eosphaeniscus" Wiman, 1905"Palaeeudyptes" is an
extinct genus of largepenguin s, currently containing four acceptedspecies . They were probably larger than almost all living penguins, with the smaller species being about the size of anEmperor Penguin and the largest ones having stood about 1.5meter s tall.Of the four species, two ("P. gunnari" and "P. klekowskii") are known from numerous remains found in Middle or Late
Eocene strata (34 to 50 MYA) of theLa Meseta Formation onSeymour Island ,Antarctica . "P. antarcticus", the firstfossil penguin described, is only really known from a single incompletetarsometatarsus found in the LateOligocene Otekaike Limestone (23 to 28, possibly up to 34 MYA) atKakanui ,New Zealand , but numerous other bones have been tentatively assigned to the species. The other described New Zealand species, "P. marplesi", is known from parts of a skeleton, mainly leg bones, from the Middle or LateEocene Burnside Mudstone (34 to 40 MYA) at Burnside, Dunedin. To this species also a number of additional remains have been tentatively assigned. The problem with the indeterminate New Zealand specimens is that they at least in part are intermediate in size between the two species (Simpson, 1971). It may be that "P. marplesi" simply evolved into the smaller "P. antarcticus". Bones unassignable to species also were found on Seymour Island, but in these cases they seem to be from juvenile individuals or are simply too damaged to be of diagnostic value (Jadwiszczak, 2006).In addition, an incomplete right
tibiotarsus (South Australian Museum P10862) and one lefthumerus (South Australian Museum P7158) and assignable to this genus were found in the Late EoceneBlanche Point Marls atWitton Bluff nearAdelaide ,Australia (Simpson, 1946, 1971).The supposed genus "
Wimanornis ", based on two Seymour Island humeri, is apparently a synonym of "P. gunnari" (Jadwiszcak, 2006).The genus is the namesake for the subfamily of primitive penguins, Palaeeudyptinae. Altogether, their osteological characteristics seem to have been somewhat less advanced that those of the slightly smaller "
Archaeospheniscus " and about on par with the gigantic "Anthropornis ". The exact nature of the relationship of the Palaeeudyptinae to modern penguins is unknown.References
* Huxley, Thomas Henry (1859): On a fossil bird and a fossil cetacean from New Zealand. "Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London" 15: 670-677.
* Jadwiszczak, Piotr (2006): Eocene penguins of Seymour Island, Antarctica: Taxonomy. "Polish Polar Research" 27(1): 3–62. [http://www.polish.polar.pan.pl/ppr27/ppr27-003.pdf PDF fulltext]
* Simpson, George Gaylord (1946): Fossil penguins. "Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist." 87: 7-99. [http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/dspace/bitstream/2246/392/1/B087a01.pdf PDF fulltext]
* Simpson, George Gaylord (1971): A review of the pre-Pleistocene penguins of New Zealand. "Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History" 144: 319–378. [http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/dspace/bitstream/2246/1086/1/B144a05.pdf PDF fulltext]
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