No Motiv

No Motiv
No Motiv
Origin Oxnard, California
Genres Punk rock, Alternative rock, Post-hardcore, Emo
Years active 1995- present
Labels Vagrant Records, Edge Records

No Motiv is a punk rock band from Oxnard, California signed to Vagrant Records. As of 2006, No Motiv were the 'oldest' Vagrant band, having been with Vagrant Records longer than any other artist on the Vagrant roster. The current No Motiv line up includes former bassist Roger Camero behind the drum kit. Camero never left the band, but rather moved to the drums when drummer Pat Pedraza left the band to join alternative rock band From Satellite. Their first album, Cynical, was distributed by Edge Records. Their second album Scarred is a collection of unreleased demos and remixes also released by Edge Records. No Motiv subsequently left Edge for unspecified reasons. The band is known for rarely, if ever, playing songs from these two albums at their live shows. The band had its greatest success with the 2004 release Daylight Breaking, which reached #36 on Billboard's Top Independent albums chart.[1] During the past two years, No Motiv has played only two live shows. The first took place on June 11, 2006, at the Livery Theatre in Ventura, CA, as a benefit show for the closing of the venue, as well as a reunion of legendy sadcore band The Whereabouts. No Motiv most recently played an impromptu set in 2008 with Le Meu Le Purr at Billy O's in Ventura CA.

While No Motiv never released an official statement announcing their breakup, the band is considered to be on hiatus and inactive at the present time. Jeremy and Jeff reside in Ventura, CA, and have started recording material under a new band called Monster Hand. Max lives in Brooklyn, NY and has been recording material under a solo project called Gentlemen. Roger is enrolled in recording classes at Long Beach City College, resides in Irvine, CA, and is writing songs for school projects and for fun under the name He Fails Me.

All band members remain close friends to this day, and also are involved in many side projects in addition to the ones mentioned above, such as Hybrid Moments, Death Country Blues, and Machines.


Current members

  • Jeremy Palaszewski (pronounced 'Pala-shef-ski'): guitar, lead vocals
  • Roger Camero : drums
  • Jeff Hershey : bass, vocals
  • Max McDonald : guitar, vocals

Past members

  • Pat Pedraza (drums)
  • Dave Brandon (bass)


  • 1995: No Motiv 7" (It's Alive Records)
  • 1996: No Motiv / The Choice split 7" (It's Alive Records)
  • 1996: Cynical (Edge Records)
  • 1998: Scarred (Edge Records)
  • 1999: And the Sadness Prevails... (Vagrant Records)
  • 2001: Diagram for Healing (Vagrant Records)
  • 2003: LOLA EP (Vagrant Records)
  • 2004: Daylight Breaking (Vagrant Records)
  • 2011: Winterlong EP (Siren)

The song "Independence Day" was featured on the soundtrack of the video game Burnout 3, the song "Give Me Strength" was featured on the soundtrack of the video game Transworld Surf and their cover of "Space Age Love Song" is featured in the Not Another Teen Movie.


  1. ^ Billboard,

External links

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