

name = "Bathippus"

image_caption = head of "B. montrouzieri" male
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
familia = Salticidae
subfamilia = Euophryinae
tribus = Cytaeini
genus = "Bathippus"
genus_authority = Thorell, 1892
diversity_link = List of Salticidae species#Bathippus
diversity = 31 species
type_species = "Plexippus macrognathus"
type_species_authority = Thorell, 1881

range_map_width = 250px
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = see text

"Bathippus" is a genus of jumping spiders.

This genus is very similar to the genus "Canama".Zhang "et al." 2003]

Members of this genus are distributed throughout the Australasian region.


Females are 6 to 9 mm long, males up to 10 mm. "Bathippus" is a colorful, long-legged genus, with long, thin bodies. The males have long, robust, forward-pointing chelicerae. The colors differ between species, but the carapace is in most species orange, sometimes with lighter stripes. The opisthosoma is grey, sometimes with three or four pairs of dark grey marks. The legs are orange, with the latter two pairs lighter than those in front.Murphy & Murphy 2000: 295]


"Bathippus" species are often found wandering about on shrubs in rain forests or their vicinity.


* "Bathippus birmanicus" Thorell, 1895Burma
* "Bathippus brocchus" (Thorell, 1881)New Guinea
* "Bathippus dentiferellus" Strand, 1911Aru Islands
* "Bathippus digitalis" Zhang, Song & Li, 2003Singapore
* "Bathippus dilanians" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea, Aru Islands
* "Bathippus elaphus" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea
* "Bathippus keyensis" Strand, 1911Kei Islands
* "Bathippus kochi" (Simon, 1903)Moluccas
* "Bathippus latericius" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea
* "Bathippus macilentus" Thorell, 1890Sumatra
* "Bathippus macrognathus" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea
* "Bathippus macroprotopus" Pocock, 1898Solomon Islands
* "Bathippus manicatus" Simon, 1902Borneo
* "Bathippus molossus" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea
* "Bathippus montrouzieri" (Lucas, 1869)Queensland, New Caledonia
* "Bathippus morsitans" Pocock, 1897 — Borneo
* "Bathippus oedonychus" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea
* "Bathippus oscitans" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea
* "Bathippus pahang" Zhang, Song & Li, 2003Malaysia
* "Bathippus palabuanensis" Simon, 1902Java
* "Bathippus papuanus" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea, Solomon Islands
* "Bathippus proboscideus" Pocock, 1899 — New Guinea
* "Bathippus rechingeri" Kulczynski, 1910 — Solomon Islands
* "Bathippus rectus" Zhang, Song & Li, 2003 — Singapore
* "Bathippus ringens" (Thorell, 1881) — New Guinea
* "Bathippus schalleri" Simon, 1902 — Malaysia
* "Bathippus sedatus" Peckham & Peckham, 1907 — Borneo
* "Bathippus seltuttensis" Strand, 1911 — Aru Islands
* "Bathippus shelfordi" Peckham & Peckham, 1907 — Borneo
* "Bathippus waoranus" Strand, 1911 — Kei Islands



* (2000): An Introduction to the Spiders of South East Asia. "Malaysian Nature Society", Kuala Lumpur.
* (2003): Six new and one newly recorded species of Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Singapore and Malaysia. "The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology" 51(2): 187-195. [ PDF] ("B. digitalis", "B. pahang", "B. rectus")
* (2007): [ The world spider catalog] , version 8.0. "American Museum of Natural History".

External links

* [ Diagnostic drawings and photographs]

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