Tamerlan Thorell

Tamerlan Thorell

Tord Tamerlan Teodor Thorell (May 3, 1830 - December 22, 1901) was a Swedish arachnologist.

Thorell studied spiders with Giacomo Doria at the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale de Genoa. He corresponded with other arachnologists, such as Octavius Pickard-Cambridge, Eugène Simon and Thomas Workman.

He described more than 1,000 spider species during his time from the 1850 to 1900.

Thorell wrote two significant works: "On European Spiders" (1869) and "Synonym of European Spiders" (1870-73).

Taxonomic honors

The Orb-weaver spider genus "Thorellina" and the jumping spider genus "Thorelliola" are named after him, as well as about 30 species of spiders:

* "Araneus thorelli" (Roewer, 1942) (Myanmar) (Araneidae)
* "Gasteracantha thorelli" Keyserling, 1864 (Madagascar) (Araneidae)
* "Leviellus thorelli" (Ausserer, 1871) (Europe) (Araneidae)
* "Mandjelia thorelli" (Raven, 1990) (Queensland) (Barychelidae)
* "Clubiona thorelli" Roewer, 1951 (Sumatra) (Clubionidae)
* "Malamatidia thorelli" Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001 (Sulawesi) (Clubionidae)
* "Corinnomma thorelli" Simon, 1905 (Java) (Corinnidae)
* "Ctenus thorelli" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1897 (Sri Lanka) (Ctenidae)
* "Zelotes thorelli" Simon, 1914 (Southern Europe) (Gnaphosidae)
* "Hypochilus thorelli" Marx, 1888 (USA) (Hypochilidae)
* "Idiops thorelli" O. P.-Cambridge, 1870 (South Africa) (Idiopidae)
* "Trichopterna thorelli" (Westring, 1861) (Palearctic) (Linyphiidae)
* "Lycosa thorelli" (Keyserling, 1877) (Colombia to Argentina) (Lycosidae)
* "Lycosula thorelli" (Berland, 1929) (Samoa, Marquesas Is.) (Lycosidae)
* "Pardosa thorelli" (Collett, 1876) (Norway) (Lycosidae)
* "Mecicobothrium thorelli" Holmberg, 1882 (Argentina, Uruguay) (Mecicobothriidae)
* "Miturga thorelli" Simon, 1909 (Western Australia) (Miturgidae)
* "Spermophora thorelli" Roewer, 1942 (Myanmar) (Pholcidae)
* "Cispius thorelli" Blandin, 1978 (Congo) (Pisauridae)
* "Bavia thorelli" Simon, 1901 (Sulawesi) (Salticidae)
* "Pancorius thorelli" (Simon, 1899) (Sumatra) (Salticidae)
* "Talavera thorelli" (Kulczyn'ski, 1891) (Palearctic) (Salticidae)
* "Pseudopoda thorelli" J�er, 2001 (Myanmar) (Sparassidae)
* "Afroblemma thorelli" (Brignoli, 1974) (Angola, Tanzania) (Tetrablemmidae)
* "Mesida thorelli" (Blackwall, 1877) (Seychelles) (Tetragnathidae)
* "Chilobrachys thorelli" Pocock, 1900 (India) (Theraphosidae)
* "Cyriopagopus thorelli" (Simon, 1901) (Malaysia) (Theraphosidae)
* "Helvibis thorelli" Keyserling, 1884 (Peru, Brazil) (Theridiidae)
* "Theridion thorelli" L. Koch, 1865 (New South Wales) (Theridiidae)
* "Tmarus thorelli" Comellini, 1955 (Congo) (Thomisidae)

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