- List of Puritans
Puritan s were originally members of a group of English Protestants seeking "purity" – that is, further reforms or even separation from the establishedchurch – during the Reformation. This group is also extended to include some earlycolonial America n ministers.compactTOC__NOTOC__
*Robert Abbot
*Joseph Alleine
*William Ames
*John Arrowsmith
*Simon Ashe (Simeon Ashe)B
Robert Baillie
*John Ball
*Robert Balsom
*Henry Barrowe
*Richard Baxter
*Thomas Baylie
*Lewis Bayly
*Nathaniel Bernard
*Richard Bernard
*Richard Blackerby
*Robert Bolton
*Samuel Bolton
*John Bond (Puritan)
*Thomas Boston
*Oliver Bowles
*William Bradshaw
*Anne Bradstreet
*William Bridge
*Hugh Broughton
*Robert Browne
*John Bunyan
*Anthony Burgess
*Cornelius Burgess
*Jeremiah Burroughs
*Henry Burton
*Richard Byfield C
*Edmund Calamy
*William Carter (Puritan)
*Thomas Cartwright
*Joseph Caryl
*Thomas Case
*Daniel Cawdrey
*Thomas Cawton
*Laurence Chaderton
*Humphrey Chambers
*Stephen Charnock
*Francis Cheynell
*Thomas Coleman
*John Coping
*Edward Corbet
*John Cotton
*Miles Coverdale
*Oliver Cromwell
*Samuel Crook D
*John Davenport
*Arthur Dent
*Philip Doddridge
*Calibute Downing
*John Dury E
*Jonathan Edwards, American heir of the Puritans who is often listed with them
*John Elliston F
Humphrey Fenn
*John Field
*William Fiennes, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele
*John Flavel
*Thomas Foord
*John Foxe
*John Foxcroft
*William Fulke G
Thomas Gataker
*George Gillespie
*Bernard Gilpin
*Christopher Goodman
*Thomas Goodwin
*William Gouge
*Stanley Gower
*John Green
*Richard Greenham
*William Greenhill
*John Greenwood H
Humphrey Hardwick
*Robert Harris
*John Harvard
*Alexander Henderson
*Matthew Henry
*Philip Henry
*Charles Herle
*Richard Heyrick
*Gasper Hickes
*Francis Higginson
*Thomas Hill
*Thomas Holland
*Thomas Hooker
*Joshua Hoyle
*Laurence Humphrey
*Edward Hake I
Henry Ireton J
James Janeway
*Francis JohnsonL
*John Langley
*John Lathrop
*Alexander Leighton
*John Ley
*John Lightfoot
*Christopher Love M
Stephen Marshall
*Cotton Mather
*Eleazer Mather
*Increase Mather
*Richard Mather
*John Maynard
*Walter Mildmay
*John MoreN
Matthew Newcomen
*Philip Nye O
*Herbert Palmer
*Robert Parker
*John Penry
*William Perkins
*Andrew Perne
*Benjamin Pickering
*Matthew Poole
*John PrestonR
John Rainolds
*Mary Rowlandson
*William Reyner
*Edward Reynolds
*Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick
*John Robinson
*John Rogers
*Samuel Rutherford *
Thomas Samson
*Peter Saxton
*Henry Scudder
*Lazarus Seaman
*Obadiah Sedgwick
*Jeremiah Shepard
*Thomas Shepard
*Richard Sibbes
*Sidrach Simpson
*Peter Smart
*Edward Snape
*William Spurstowe
*Edmund Staunton
*Peter Sterry
*Solomon Stoddard T
James Temple
*Thomas Tenney
*Richard Travener
*Walter Travers
*William Twisse U
John Udal V
Richard Vines
*Thomas Vincent W
*George Walker
*Nehemiah Wallington
*John Wallis
*Thomas Watson
*Isaac Watts
*Paul Wentworth
*Peter Wentworth
*Jeremiah Whitaker
*John White
*David Whitehead
*William Whittingham
*Giles Wigginton
*Thomas Wilson
*John Winthrop
*Roger Williams (theologian) Y
Patrick Young Sources
* "Lives of the Puritans" by Benjamin Brook and Daniel Neal's "History of the Puritans"
*Beeke, Joel, and Randall Pederson, "Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints," (Reformation Heritage Books, 2006) ISBN 9781601780003
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