Solar radius

Solar radius

In astronomy, the solar radius is a unit of length used to express the size of stars. It is equal to the current radius of the Sun. Its value is:

:1,R_{odot} = 6.960 imes 10^8,hbox{m} = 0.004652,hbox{AU} (Astronomical unit).

The solar radius is approximately 432,450 miles (695,500 kilometers) or about 110 times the radius of the Earth, or 10 times the average radius of Jupiter.


*cite journal
author=S. C. Tripathy, H. M. Antia
title=Influence of surface layers on the seismic estimate of the solar radius
journal=Solar Physics
url= | doi=10.1023/A:1005116830445

*cite journal
author=T. M. Brown, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard
title=Accurate Determination of the Solar Photospheric Radius
journal=Astrophysical Journal Letters
url= | doi=10.1086/311416

See also

* Astronomical unit
* Solar mass
* Solar luminosity

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