

Infobox rocket

caption = Simulated view of the VentureStar in low earth orbit
name = VentureStar
function = Manned Re-usable Spaceplane
manufacturer = Lockheed Martin
country-origin = United States
height = 38.7 mcite web
title=AeroSpace Online:X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator
alt-height = 127 ft
diameter = N/A
alt-diameter =
mass = 1,000,000 kg
alt-mass = 2,200,000 lb
stages = 1
LEO-payload = 20412 kg
alt-LEO = 45,000 lb
payload-location =
payload = 0
alt-payload =
status = Cancelled
sites = Unknown
launches = 0
success =
payloads =
fail =
boosters =
boosterengines =
boosterthrust =
alt-boosterthrust =
boosterSI =
boostertime =
boosterfuel =
stage1name = VentureStar
stage1engines = 7 RS2200 Linear Aerospikes
stage1thrust = 3,010,000 lb
alt-stage1thrust =
stage1SI =
stage1time =
stage1fuel =LOX/LH2
stage2name =
stage2engines =
stage2thrust =
alt-stage2thrust =
stage2SI =
stage2time =
stage2fuel =

VentureStar was Lockheed Martin's proposed design for a single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch system. The program's primary goal was to develop a reusable unmanned space plane for launching satellites into orbit at about 1/10 the cost of other systems that would completely replace the space shuttle. While the requirement was for an unmanned launcher, it was expected to optionally carry passengers as cargo. In addition to a modular system, The VentureStar would provide rapid turnaround between launches. It would have also used a new metallic thermal protection system that would be safer and cheaper to maintain than the ceramic one on the Space Shuttle. It was to be a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle that would take off vertically and land like an airplane. The design specifications called for the use of linear aerospike engines, which maintain their efficiency thrust at all altitudes. VentureStar was to be a commercial endeavor and flights would have been leased to NASA as needed.

Failures in the VentureStar's technology demonstrator, the X-33, in particular with the composite LH2 (liquid hydrogen) tank, led to program cancellation on March 1, 2001.

The VentureStar in Fiction

* In John Varley's near-future science fiction novel, "Red Thunder", the VentureStar is the main spacecraft in use by a United States of America, making daily flights into orbit from Cape Canaveral.

* In the movie "" starring Christopher Lambert, the VentureStar brings supplies to the orbiting prison station and is later hijacked by the prisoners to escape to earth.

* In "Star Venture", the 45th novel of Gold Eagle's Stony Man adventure series, the VentureStar (with the name split in two) is hijacked by the Chinese and used to deploy nuclear missiles in space.

* In the animated mini-series "Invasion America" the protagonists hijacked a VentureStar style craft to fly to the Moon to reach the staging area of an alien invasion. This would be an impossible task for the real VentureStar, which would not have been capable of lunar flight.

* VentureStar is also seen docking the International Space Station in the opening credits for .

See also

Lockheed Martin X-33

External links

* [ X-33/Venturestar on NASA Spaceflight site]
* [ Venture Star - Launch Vehicle for the 21st Century on NASA Observatorium's site]


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