- Indo-Australian Plate
The Indo-Australian Plate is a major
tectonic plate that includes the continent of Australia and surroundingocean , and extends northwest to include theIndian subcontinent and adjacent waters. Recent studies suggest that the Indo-Australian Plate may be in the process of breaking up into two separate plates due primarily to stresses induced by the collision of the Indo-Australian Plate with Eurasia along the Himalayas. [ [http://www.columbia.edu/cu/pr/95/18688.html (1995) Geologists Find: An Earth Plate Is Breaking in Two] ] The two protoplates or subplates are generally referred to as the India Plate and the Australian Plate.Origins
Depositional age of the Mount Barren Group on the southern margin of the
Yilgarn Craton andzircon provenance analysis support the hypothesis that collisions between thePilbara –Yilgarn and Yilgarn–Gawler Craton s assembled a proto-Australian continent approximately 1696±7 Ma (Dawson et al. 2002). [ [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VBP-47C9ST3-2&_coverDate=11%2F25%2F2002&_alid=429579382&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_qd=1&_cdi=5932&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=0d42b28962087116c9555f264709060d Dawson, Galvin C., Ian R. Fletcher, Bryan Krape, Neal J. McNaughton and Birger Rasmussen. (2002) "Did late Palaeoproterozoic assembly of proto-Australia involve collision between the Pilbara, Yilgarn and Gawler Cratons? Geochronological evidence from the Mount Barren Group in the Albany–Fraser Orogen of Western Australia." Precambrian Research, Vol. 118, Issues 3-4, 25 November, pp. 195-220.] ]Geographical extent
India , Meganesia (Australia ,New Guinea , andTasmania ),New Zealand , andNew Caledonia are all fragments of the ancient supercontinent ofGondwana .Seafloor spreading separated these land masses from one another, but as the spreading centers became inactive they fused into a single plate.Recent
GPS measurement in Australia confirms the plate's movement as being 35 degrees east of north with a velocity of 67 mm/yr. Note also the same directions and velocities for points atAuckland ,Christmas Island and southern India. The slight change in direction at Auckland is presumably due to a slight buckling of the plate there, where it is being compressed by thePacific Plate .The southeasterly side is a complex but generally
convergent boundary with the Pacific Plate. The Pacific Plate subducting under the Australian Plate forms the Tonga andKermadec Trench es, and the parallelTonga and Kermadecisland arc s. It has also uplifted the eastern parts of New Zealand'sNorth Island .The continent of Zealandia, which separated from Australia 85 million years ago and stretches from
New Caledonia in the north to New Zealand's subantarctic islands in the south, is now being torn apart along thetransform boundary marked by theAlpine Fault .South of New Zealand the boundary becomes a transitional transform-convergent boundary, the
Macquarie Fault Zone , where the Australian Plate is beginning to subduct under the Pacific Plate along thePuysegur Trench . Extending southwest of this trench is theMacquarie Ridge .The southerly side is a
divergent boundary with theAntarctic Plate called theSoutheast Indian Ridge (SEIR). The westerly side is a transform boundary with theArabian Plate called theOwen Fracture Zone , and a divergent boundary with theAfrican Plate called theCentral Indian Ridge (CIR). The northerly side of the Indo-Australian Plate is a convergent boundary with theEurasian Plate forming theHimalaya andHindu Kush mountain s.The northeast side of the Indo-Australian plate forms a
subducting boundary with the Eurasian plate on the borders of theIndian Ocean fromBangladesh , toMyanmar (formerly Burma) to the south-west ofIndonesia n islands ofSumatra andBorneo .The subducting boundary through Indonesia is not parallel to the biogeographical
Wallace line that separates the indigenous fauna of Asia from that ofAustralasia : the Eastern islands of Indonesia lie mainly on theEurasian Plate , but have Australasian-related fauna and flora.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.