Matt Spiegel

Matt Spiegel

Matt Spiegel is a sports talk show host and singer based in Chicago.


Early life

Spiegel grew up in New Jersey as the youngest of five children. He studied broadcasting at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts where he won several sportscasting awards. Throughout the 90s, Spiegel was a producer, reporter, and talk show host at The Score SportsRadio 670 in Chicago, and was also a disc jockey for WXRT-FM.


In 1999, Spiegel was the founding producer of Sound Opinions, a rock and roll talk show on WXRT, and moved with the show to WBEZ, Chicago Public Radio, where the show still is produced. It airs nationally through American Public Media.

As a singer and band leader, Spiegel released two albums with brother Jon and their band Brother Brother in the 90s. In 2002, Spiegel founded Tributosaurus, "the beast of multiple musical faces." Every month, the beast welcomes guest artists from around the Chicago area for concerts.[1]

Recent activities

In 2007, Spiegel moved to Los Angeles, where he founded the LA edition of Tributosaurus, and resumed his career with Sporting News Radio.

In 2009, Spiegel teamed up with Dan McNeil, at WSCR 670 AM in Chicago, to co-host the "Danny Mac Show" from 9 am to 1 pm.

In 2011 "The Danny Mac Show" changed its name to "The McNeil and Spiegel Show."


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