- List of aircraft of the Pakistan Air Force
The Pakistan Air Force currently operates an estimated 500 to 530 combat aircraft. The total of aircraft in service including: VIP, trainers and transport aircraft is over 700.
"* Includes two upgraded F-16A Block-15 inducted from the US in Dec'2005."
*ROSE: Retrofit Of Strike Element; is the major (Avionics + Radar) upgrade that the PAF Mirage fleet under went during the 90s.
**ROSE-I: This included upgraded cockpit instrumentation, Grifo-M Radar and weapons system reconfiguration. (BVR-able).
**ROSE-II: This included theSAGEM -implemented MAESTRO Nav/Attack System. (Strike).
**ROSE-III: This included the Sagem MAESTRO Nav/Attack and FLIR. (Precision Strike).Some 70 of the Mirages have been given ROSE upgrades - allowing them to either perform high-altitude air-superiority missions or specialized surface strike missions. The F-7PGs and F-16s are the PAF's main multirole fighter aircraft - while the F-7P is a limited interceptor/ground-strike aircraft. It is likely, however, that the PAF will procure another 26 F-16A/Bs to start retiring its F-7Ps.
* [http://www.paffalcons.com/main.php/ (Pakistan Air Force Inventory)]
* [http://www.defence.pk/inventory.html (Pakistan Defence - Air Force inventory)]
* [http://www.defence.pk/pakistan_air_force.html (Amazing Evaluation of Pakistan Air Force!)]
* [http://www.asianaviation.com/feature.php#2 (Insight To PAF Fleet Upgrades & Strength)]
* [http://www.pakdef.info/pakmilitary/airforce/index.html (Mirage Fleet Acquisition History)]
* [http://www.pakdef.info/forum/showthread.php?p=48531&highlight=85-609#post48531 (F-16 Attrition history)]
* [http://www.pakdef.info/forum/showthread.php?p=49911&highlight=serial#post49911 (F-7 Fleet Serial# and Strength)]
* [http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Dunes/1107/inven01.htm (PAF Fleet Strength: Without Attrition Adjustments)]
* [http://babriet.tripod.com/airforce/attrition/pattrition05.htm (PAF Attrition History)]
* [http://www.warbirds.in/Crashes/crpage.php?qacid=AL&qafdb=PAF&datesall=ON (PAF Attrition - Queryable Database)]References
External links
* [http://www.defence.pk/pakistan_air_force.html Pakistan Air Force]
* [http://www.paffalcons.com PAF Falcons - Pakistan Air Force]
* [http://www.xairforces.com/airforces.asp?id=47 Pakistan Air Force (PakAF)]
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