Ovide Decroly

Ovide Decroly

Jean-Ovide Decroly (Ronse, July 23, 1871 – Ukkel, 1932) was a Belgian teacher and psychologist.

He studied medicine at the University of Ghent, with half a year at the University of Berlin where he studied the action of toxins and antitoxins on general nutrition in 1898. He later worked with (mentally) handicapped children at the neurological clinic in Brussels.

Decroly founded The Hermitage School in 1907. He was a freemason, and a member of the lodge Les Amis Philanthropes of the Grand Orient of Belgium in Brussels. Nowadays the "Ecole Decroly" (based in Uccle, Brussels, a school reaching from kindergarten to baccalaureate) is following his pedagogical approach.

The Decroly plan

The "Decroly plan" lays ground rules for social adaptation of a biological organism, in the concrete case, children. It concludes that schooling is needed for children to meet their "biosocial needs".


  • To educate in its fullest sense is to create conditions in which the child can live - and is led by these conditions led to live-as fully as possible through each succeeding stage of his development, meeting and solving in his own experience the problems of each stage as it comes, and so gaining the power to meet and to solve the problems that await him in further stages. Such conditions it is for a school to provide. (Decroly cited by J.H. Badley, Dr. Ovide Decroly ed. Albert Decordier, Amicale Rijksbasisonderwijs, Ronse, Belgium)

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  • Jean-Ovide Decroly — Ovide Decroly Pour les articles homonymes, voir Decroly. Ovide Decroly est un pédagogue né à Renaix en 1871 et mort à Uccle en 1932. Né d un père d origine française et d une mère renaisienne, médecin et psychologue, il lutta pour une réforme… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Decroly — (Ovide) (1871 1932) pédagogue belge et écrivain d expression française. En 1907, il fonda près de Bruxelles une école où il appliquait des principes d éducation inspirés par l émile de J. J. Rousseau. Il a publié plusieurs ouvrages …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Decroly, Ovide — ► (1871 1932) Médico y pedagogo belga. Obras: La función de la globalización y su aplicación a la enseñanza (1919) y Estudios de psicogenética (1932), entre otras …   Enciclopedia Universal

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