Banu Ghatafan

Banu Ghatafan

Banu Ghatafan ( _ar. بنو غطفان) are a massive ancient tribe north of Medinah and from them come the tribes of Banu Abs and Ashga and Banu Thibyaan. They were one of the Arab tribes that interacted with Muhammad. They are notable for allying themselves with the Banu Quraish in the Battle of the trench. [The Meaning of the Qur'an (tafsir) [] by Maududi on USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts]


*Nuaym ibn Masud ["Muhammad and the Course of Islam" By H. M. Balyuzi. p.97.]
* Banu Abs
* Bani Rasheed
* Mutayr


From their children or descendents are the Banu 'Abs and Banu Motair

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