- Palaeophis
name = "Palaeophis"
fossil_range =Eocene
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Sauropsida
ordo =Squamata
subordo =Serpentes
infraordo =Booidea
superfamilia =Alethinophidia
familia =Palaeophiidae
subfamilia =Palaeopheinae
genus = "Palaeophis"
genus_authority = Owen,1841
subdivision_ranks = Species
sundivision =
* "P. casei"
* "P. colossaeus"
* "P. ferganicus"
* "P. grandis"
* "P. littoralis"
* "P. maghrebianus"
* "P. nessovi"
* "P. tamdy"
* "P. toliapicus"
* "P. udovickenkoi"
* "P. virginianus""Palaeophis" ('ancient snake') is an extinct genus of snake. The
sea -dwelling creature was initially thought to have been the largest snake ever, reaching the almost mythical length of 30-40 m (100-133 ft), but recent estimates put its length at about 9 m (30 ft), about as long as the modern green anaconda and reticulated python.Anatomy & Physiology
Species & Relatives
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.