

Aigun (zh-stp|s=瑷珲|t=璦琿|p=Àihún; Manchu: "Aihūn hoton") is a town of China in northern Manchuria, situated on the right bank of the Amur River. The Chinese name of the town, which literally means "Bright Jade", is a transliteration of the original Manchu name of the town.

Modern Aigun is part of the city of Heihe, Heilongjiang Province, People's Republic of China.


Formerly known as Saghalien Ula hoton (Manchu: sahaliyan ulai hoton Chinese: 黑龍江城 Mandarin : Heilongjiangsheng), the town was founded first on the left bank of the Amur River, below the mouth of the Zeya, but was abandoned, and the present town was founded in 1684. It was here that Nikolay Muravyov concluded, in May 1857, the Aigun Treaty, according to which the left bank of the Amur River was conceded to Russia. During the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 it was, for a few weeks, the center of military action directed against the Russians.



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