

Suribachi (すり鉢 or 擂鉢, literally: grinding-bowl) and surikogi (すりこぎ or 擂粉木, literally: grind-powder-wood) are a Japanese mortar and pestle. These mortars are used to crush different ingredients for Japanese cooking as for example sesame seeds.

The "suribachi" is a pottery bowl glazed on the outside with a rough pattern called "kushi-no-me" on the unglazed inside. This surface is somewhat similar to the surface of the "oroshigane" (grater). The "surikogi" pestle is made from wood to avoid excessive wear on the "suribachi". Traditionally, the wood from the Sichuan pepper tree was used, which adds a slight flavor to the food, although nowadays other woods are more common. The bowls have a diameter from 10cm to 30cm. To use the "suribachi" the bowl is set on a non-slip surface, such as a rubber mat or a damp towel, and the "surikogi" is used to grind the material. Recently, plastic versions of the "suribachi" have also become popular, but they have a much shorter lifespan.

The "suribachi" and "surikogi" arrived in Japan from China around 1000 AD. The mortar was first used for medicine, and only later for food products.

A larger sized Japanese mortar used to pound rice is an "usu" with a pestle called "kine".

The highest mountain on Iwo Jima, Mount Suribachi was named after this kitchen device.

See also: List of Japanese cooking utensils

External references

* [ Suribachi and Surikogi]
* [ The History of Grinding Implements for the Domestic Use in Japan]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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